Of the films were written by Sylvester Stallonewho also directed four of. The number of days it took Stallone to write the first draft of the Rocky screenplay. It took 28 days to shoot. The budget of the first Rocky film. It went on to become the highest-grossing title of and made its money back times over in global box-office takings. The number of Oscar nominations for Rocky. It won three: best picture, best editing and best director for John G Avildsen. Number of pet turtles owned by Rocky. Their names were Cuff and Link. The eight Stallone was bench-pressing movied training for Rocky II when he tore a pectoral muscle. Egg whites, one piece of toast and one piece of fruit he ate per day to fuel his rigorous Roxkey III training mocies. The loss made by Rocky V muvh the US box office, the only film in the franchise to lose money. This led to a year gap before Stallone returned to the role. Of the five highest-grossing boxing movies of all time are Rocky how much money did all 3 rockey movies make.
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Register with The Numbers for free to customize this chart. The market share is converted into a weekly sales estimate based on industry reports on the overall size of the market, including reports published in Media Play News. The consumer spending estimate is based on the average sales price for the title in the retailers we survey. We refine our estimates from week to week as more data becomes available. In particular, we adjust weekly sales figures for the quarter once the total market estimates are published by the Digital Entertainment Group. Figures will therefore fluctuate each week, and totals for individual titles can go up or down as we update our estimates. Because sales figures are estimated based on sampling, they will be more accurate for higher-selling titles. The post-holiday weekend matched expectations , more or less. The Possession of Hannah Grace opened better than expected and earned more than it cost to make, so if it can find an audience on the home market, it could break even. More importantly, this is 9. The fun times end now. Why is that? Last November was amazing.
His total net worth
This is an article I have wanted to research and write for a long, long time. I finally had a moment to sit down and crunch the numbers — I hope it helps in the understanding of Hollywood economics. Almost as long as there have been movies, Hollywood has relied on huge-scale productions to bring in the big bucks.
The Extra-Terrestrial As the films have grown, so too have the spoils on offer. The starting point for working out the final costs of releasing a movie is to look at how much it cost the studio to shoot the film i. This includes…. Budgets have been rising in recent decades, well above inflation. In the following ten years this rose to The information available online is normally a mix of true figures which have leaked and educated guesses by industry experts.
The studios often try to hide the true cost of a movie, in order to make themselves seem thriftier, smarter or more in control than they actually are. I performed a quick check for the 29 blockbusters I have inside data on compared with their budgets listed on Wikipedia. Some of the other costs involved in making and releasing a film include….
To give you a little more detail and context, below are some notes on each of the main cost areas…. Judging the correct number of prints and units to manufacture is a key part of the planning done by the studios. If they order too few then cinemas and stores will have to turn away customers in the all-important first few weeks of release.
If they over-order then their costs increase and they are left with annoyed cinema owners and large quantities of unsold units. Giving these people a share of the income is a good way for the studio to hedge against poor box office performance and it also defers the moment they have to pay up.
On the flipside, studios have got rather good at using creative accounting techniques to show that they made a loss on paper in order to get out of paying such fees. Fortunately, Hollywood is rather good at squeezing every penny out of a movie, ensuring that the target customer is given many chances to pay to see it. Movies may start in cinemas but they are far from the only place they earn money.
Each stage at which a movie reaches a new type of platform i. Of the 29 Hollywood blockbuster movies I studied, 14 generated a profit and 15 lost money. Note: The following discussion of profit uses this formula: all revenue received by the studios from a particular movie minus all costs they internally attribute to that production. The smallest movies within my dataset i. Would you have made a smart investment?
And I am sure this is a fairly low return for that kind of cash. The only problem is — how do you spot the hits? Hollywood currently employs the smartest, best informed and most profit-focused people in an effort to exclusively make profitable movies and yet half of their movies lose money.
In fact, their combined best efforts only produce a 3. Yes, but only by a very small margin. The average Metacritic score i. Similarly, IMDb audiences rated the profitable films an average of 6. However, we can say that, yes, movies with the biggest marketing budgets do seem to gross the highest amounts at the box office. Added to this, studios are less likely to make missteps on their home turf as they can be on-hand to scrutinise everything to a greater extent.
Well, it depends on which part of the process you look at. Below you can see the origin of revenue and costs for the blockbusters in my dataset. As you can see, the majority of the money collected at the box office does indeed come from countries outside of the US and Canada. However, studios spend a higher proportion of their marketing money in North America. This could be for a number of reasons including the higher cost of advertising in America, the temptation to spend more in the country which studio execs actually live in and because the US is often the first place a movie is released and the media enjoy reporting on huge opening weekends and decrying massive flops.
Together, they mean that only 12 of my 29 movies made money at the domestic box office, whereas 20 made money at the international box office. Alongside this, the losses at the domestic theatrical market were much worse than internationally. So Hollywood looks to the international market with glee because…. Q4: Is there a rule of thumb for guessing which Hollywood blockbusters are in profit? They reached this conclusion by studying the full financial records of the movies they were involved with and also checking their hypothesis with independent professional film financiers.
Using this rule, I was able to correctly identify all of the profit-making films and correctly identify ten as loss-making, however, this system incorrectly marked five loss-making movies as being profitable. Not as reliable as one might have liked and way below the accuracy the BFI found when the rule is applied to smaller films but certainly interesting.
So there you have it — a rather long sorry! The biggest question some readers may have at this stage is — how did he get this data? I was also helped by a few well-placed friends in the industry who were able to fill in the blanks and confirm the veracity of some of the data points. I am completely confident that the information in this article is a true representation of how these Hollywood blockbusters make money.
The purpose of this site is educational and my sole intention is to help explain how our industry works. In the past, I have been contacted by lawyers for various companies, trying to prevent the sharing of key data points relating to their business.
So far, I have managed to avoid lawsuits and also to avoid having to take any articles down, but if I were to offer the full figures as a download or details of how to do the same piecing together I have then I suspect I would get the wrong kind of attention. So, if you want to know any more about these movies, please add your question in the comments. Very informative and great info as. Thank you, Stephen for some scintillating reading. When is someone offering you a book deal?
Great work Stephen — thank you. And related to this can you demystify the roles, contributions and compensation for these various kinds of producers? Very helpful. Re the query on books sinceour volumes Global Hollywood and Global Hollywood 2 are more recent than the one. They are also available in Chinese, Turkish, and Spanish.
Stephen, please, please put all of this marvellous stuff in a book. Thank you for this amazing work! Can you clarify here?
Thanks. Marketing and avertsing are not included, save maybe for the on-set photographer and a publicist who shows journalists around the set.
This is particularly important for things like tax incentives, which almost never include publicity and distribution costs when calculating how big the budget is. Both have a reasonable claim to be correct. The budget is a real document created in pre-production which covers the cost of physically making the film.
Before internet streaming as we know it now, Pay Per View PPV was commonplace, in hotel rooms and on encrypted satellite and cable channels. As VOD has grown up, the newer services have become their own new window but the old way of accounting for the older services were retained. So strictly, the idea of digital delivery of video on demand to the viewer appears within three windows! Just two questions about the average costs graph: 1. Instead of being included in costs? The opacity occurs for a number of reasons but most are to do with hiding embarrassing or unattractive practices, because they can and because there is no benefit from being open.
Wow Stephen. Scary stuff. I want to break down the costs and show how they differ between products. Thank you Steve for your informative article. The research that went into it must have been enormous as it covered so much of the movie business including distribution. I was really interested in the DVD sales figures and the overseas theatrical markets as the advertising would be.
Thank you for your info!!! Michael L Edwards. Can you say the swing on that? Stephen, thank you for your informative detailed article. This is the sort of thing the internet would ideally be used for, instead of widespread trolling. Keep up the good work. Thank you for the information and the analysis you have performed. The real numbers are never released, nor should. Nobody in the industry pays those numbers. At the end of the day, the important numbers and analyses come from what the windows revenue figures are and their relationships.
As for profits… do magicians reveal their tricks? Hey Adrian. Glad you found it useful. This allowed me to compare the true cost to that of the public figure in this case from Wikipedia. Hi Stephen, thanks for the excellent analysis. Do you have any data to support or contradict these numbers?
All 8 Rocky Films Ranked! (w/ Creed)
What’s the average cost of making and selling a Hollywood blockbuster?
In his decades-long career starring in action films, Sylvester Stallone has made a name and reputation for himself by playing every underdog-turned-hero worth naming. And it turns out his upbringing mimicked a similar plot. Following a difficult childhood that included his parents’ divorce, foster care, and dropping out of college, Stallone headed to New York City with a dream shared by so many: to become an actor. While his future was uncertain, Stallone was how much money did all 3 rockey movies make to make it big. After a series of odd jobs like cleaning cages at the Central Park Zoo and even soft pornStallone got his feet wet with acting in some uncredited roles in mainstream films, like Klute and Bananas. But it wasn’t until Stallone moved to How much money did all 3 rockey movies make in the early s that he dreamed up a screenplay on what would become Rocky —a film that follows a thug who struggled to make it as a professional boxer. Super rare… Just came across. These were the original colors Rocky was supposed to wear in the 1st fight with ApolloBut I change them at the last moment. Forget the shoes. Just the trunks. While he was looking for producers to fund his movie, Stallone auditioned for another role for film producers Irwin Winkler and Robert Chartoff. Although he didn’t get the part, he mentioned to them that he had a screenplay, and they told him to send the script to them once it was al. After reading the script, Winkler and Chartloff wanted to produce it, except they didn’t want Stallone to play Rocky. But Stallone stood his ground, and Winkler and Chartoff finally gave in and offered Stallone a million dollars to produce the movie with him as the lead. Because the aall movie was such a hit, Stallone went on to write and star in four more sequels. Today, Rocky is a billion-dollar franchise, with eight different films spanning five decades. Playing Rocky Balboa was just the beginning of fockey successful career for Zll. Growing up «pretty broke,» Stallone likely had no idea about the success that was to come. After nearly five decades in the entertainment industry, Stallone has become one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors and screenwriters. From comedies to dramas to thrillers, Stallone has done it all, although his true success has come from action films. So where is this fleet of cars? The actor’s car collection sits comfortably on his four-acre property in North Beverly Park—a gated community in Los Angeles—where you’ll also find his family’s 15, square-foot mansion.
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