Diversifying your income stream to make more money in business is old advice, but in tough economic times, it’s advice worth taking. One of the least risky and least costly ways to successfully increase your business income is to make better use of your existing assets and resources. All of the ideas below are ways you can bring in more revenue for your business without spending a lot of money to do it. If you own or lease commercial space, do you really need all of your current space? If not, you can make more money by renting out some of your space to another business. There are a lot of small businesses that only need a corner or cubicle. Or maybe you have an unused room that another business could uow as office space.
Your Lifetime Income Potential Is Up to You
Ever wanted to ask the powers that be for more money but felt too uncomfortable to do so? Nor do you necessarily need to get a promotion. Without having to resort to desperate measures, there are practical, straightforward measures that every employee can take to make more money in their job. If you want to get more money for those 90, hours of your life you spend at work, you need to know your value first. Take half an hour out of your evening to research average salaries and skill requirements for the role you work and prepare to be in for an eye-opener. Even better, you might discover that your skillset goes above and beyond what is ordinarily required for your role, making you rarer and therefore more likely to reap salary rewards. Employees who stand out for all the right reasons are the employees who are given raises and regular bonuses. In order to stand out, you need to differentiate yourself from everybody else in the company, and an extremely beneficial way to do so is to commit to sharpening your skills. By undertaking further training — either internally or externally — you will demonstrate your dedication to the role and to your development within it. Continually building on your bank of knowledge will add value to your particular skillset and therein make your employer more likely to compensate you in order to hold onto it. Take some time at the end of every week to make a note of your achievements. With salaries set to outstrip price rises in , it really is a great time to get more money from your job. The team at Social Hire never just do social media marketing. Is it important to you to increase the digital footprint of your business by utilising online promotion, but can’t work out how to begin? With the professional understanding of our digital experts working in your business, you can begin to see interaction, brand loyalty and enquiries get better without having to take your team out to spend time on ineffective marketing strategies, or spend money on a internal marketing manager with a view to get results that may not deliver! Our team of managers are a team that assists our partners improve their digital presence by producing online marketing services on a regular basis. Our service is transparent and economical, which ensures that you get a great service and results that make a difference when you utilise our services. We arrange many different marketing services for enterprises from small businesses to large corporations to help make the most of of your company’s digital and social marketing. About the company
Career Hacks: How to Make More Money in Your Current Job
Pro tip: Monster’s salary guide can show you what you’re worth. Timing the discussion right will depend on the state of your company and your recent accomplishments. These minutes are the most important minutes in your career. Some examples of things you can ask for that equate to more money in your pocket, or value for you:. Keep these tactics in mind if you want to negotiate for more money and perks with your current employer as well. Instead of settling for a standard quality of life raise, give them a solid reason to pay you more. When you make the negotiation about numbers and take the emotion out of it, you put yourself in a better position, says Howarth. The other thing you can do is go to your supervisor armed with research. Salary is just one piece of the pie when it comes to your compensation; you should be aware of all the possible benefits and perks that could be within your reach, either at your current job or your next one. Want to know what could potentially be on the table and how to ask for it? Join Monster for free today. Oh, and even though we maintain there’s more to a job than a paycheck, we know you’re not made of money—that’s why all these valuable lessons from Monster will cost you exactly zero dollars. No negotiations needed! By commenting, you agree to Monster’s privacy policy , terms of use and use of cookies. Thank you! You are now a Monster member—and you’ll receive more content in your inbox soon. By continuing, you agree to Monster’s privacy policy , terms of use and use of cookies. Search Career Advice. How to ask for more money You won’t get the salary you think you deserve if you don’t start the conversation. Dawn Papandrea, Monster contributor. Put more money in your pocket. Related Articles. Comments By commenting, you agree to Monster’s privacy policy , terms of use and use of cookies. Browse articles by
The 3 best ways to make more money
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Turn to science for empirically proven ways to sell a product, climb the career ladder and optimize your productivity. GOBankingRates examined various studies and scholarly articles for the best ways to achieve financial and career success, and many of the tips garnered from the research are easily adaptable to your current work life. Click through to find out 15 science-backed ways to make more money.
Sometimes less really is. When you are selling a product, people are more likely to buy when the options are limited. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found how to make more money at current company customers were more likely to purchase gourmet jams or chocolates when given six choices, rather than 24 to 30 choices.
Science has shown that positive reinforcement increases the probability of a repeat behavior, and this basic psychological principle can be used to inspire loyalty in consumers. When a consumer has a positive interaction with a company or brand — whether through a customer service call, a rewards program or even just a thank-you — he or she is more likely to engage with the brand.
People who are confident are more likely to take the mors necessary to achieve career success. So confidence accumulates — through hard work, through success and even through failure. If you want to make more money, you have to climb the corporate ladder — even if taking on more power and responsibility intimidates you.
A Harvard Business Review article detailed ways authenticity can actually backfire at work, and gave the example of a general manager who felt shaky after her promotion. Instead of acting like a strong leader, she was honest and told her subordinates that she was scared and needed their help. Being intelligent is only one part of the equation when it hoe to finding career success and gaining wealth. If you want moee success, being socially adept is just as important as being smart, according to a study that appeared in The Review of Economics and Statistics.
These entrepreneurs failed, but they kept trying until they struck it rich. Instead, set one goal at a time and work toward achieving it before moving on to. In fact, succeeding at the first one can be a kind of exercise that strengthens your willpower cyrrent thereby improves your chances of succeeding at the.
In a study conducted by Aetna, the insurance company offered mindfulness-based training to team members, and found that those who participated in the training xt roughly 60 minutes of productivity per week, The New York Times reported. A study conducted by Dell Technologies found that sales teams led by an inspiring leader are 6 percent more productive than those that have an average leader.
Not only can a business mentor help you acquire the skills and strategies to be financially successful, but the accountability they provide makes you scientifically more likely to succeed. Entrepreneur Les Brown says that having a mentor is a key step in feeding the hunger for success. You might think you will make more money by working on multiple projects at once, but multitasking is comoany not an effective way to operate. This is because humans have a limited to capacity to think about more than one thing at.
Before you head into a negotiation with your boss, a job interview or a business meeting, put on a song that makes you feel empowered. Pump up the jams. Ready kore Make More Money? It might seem counterintuitive, but working too many hours can actually make you less productive. CEOs like Arianna Huffington and Richard Branson attribute their success and productivity to maintaining their work-life balance.
Gabrielle joined GOBankingRates in and brings with her a decade of experience in the journalism industry. Before joining the team, she was a staff writer-reporter for People Magazine and People. Her work has also appeared on E! Open a New Bank Account.
How to Effectively Ask for a Pay Raise — Prof. Jordan Peterson
If You’re Selling a Product, Provide Fewer Options
An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company’s distinctive lens. Leaders who are shaping the future of business in creative ways. New workplaces, new food sources, new medicine—even an entirely new economic. About four years ago, Olivia Jaras started a new job as a compensation analyst for an Ivy League college. She was enjoying her position, but within a few months it became clear that the job she was doing went above and beyond the job she had applied. So she got creative. Jaras also made sure to mention that she enjoyed her job and had received positive feedback on how she performed the duties that lay outside her original scope. These tips could help tide makee over until your managers approve that fatter paycheck. Still getting pushback? Asking to work overtime is, of course, one of the most obvious ways to fatten your paycheck sans a pay raise. But depending on your position, you may not qualify for overtime, or it may not even exist in your company. In that case, see if your employer offers another variation. One thing to note, however, is that any work associated with overload pay may have hw be done on your own time. The bright side? Case in point: Consider requesting additional crrent time off, suggests Dave Benjamin, a manager at Addison Groupa staffing services firm in Chicago. If your request for more PTO is declined, you could try negotiating for comp time, adds Benjamin. For example, if you attend a trade show, conference, or continuing education course on a Saturday and Sunday, consider asking your manager if you can take two comp days to make up for those weekend hours. Does working from home sound a bit more appealing to you these days? The best possible scenario?
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