Looking for books to sell online can be a great way to quickly make a profit. While the profit on each book that you flip may be small, it can quickly add up to make you a few extra hundred dollars a month. Finding the right type of book is probably the most important factor when it comes to flipping. This means that you can find a great variation in price. We might be able to make a dollar or two. At the beginning and end of every quarter, students will be rushing to buy and sell their books. Provided that the version you purchase is up-to-date, you can always sell it. Before we even purchase a book, we want to guarantee that we can make a profit on make money flipping textbooks. Now that we know how much we can sell a book for, we can go to Ebay and see if there are any great deals. The retailer pays for shipping so that all we have to worry about is getting the book shipped out and collecting our money on PayPal. I usually check Ebay for 5 minutes every morning for any quick deals, not costing me a lot of extra time. Although we can visibly see what we can resell books for thanks to BookScouter, there are still a few things to look out for:. If you become a frequent book flipper on Ebay, there are some things you can do to increase the amount of cash you bring in by a few percentage points. On the PayPal checkout screen, you can choose to purchase a book using a credit card. Last but not least, buy in bulk.
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Ever since companies started making money online, I was intrigued. I graduated from high school in , just when the internet was starting to come out of obscurity. At the time, I had no idea that learning how to make money selling used books online would be one of my first interests. By the time I got into college there were always stories of online companies raising millions in IPOs on the stock market. This whole frenzy played a huge part in my decision to go into finance and business management. I was fascinated by the ability of the companies to sell products online. It was just such a new concept back then. Today, flipping textbooks for profit is much easier than it was back then, thanks to tools like TexTrader that do all the work for you. Of course, the big player in those days was eBay. Now the giant is Amazon. I was in college and I was a cheapskate. This is how I made my first buck online. Essentially, I would go to thrift stores like Goodwill and others and look through the used book shelves and find books that I could sell on eBay or Amazon. This was my process back then in a nutshell. The key to success in buying and selling used books online is to know how much money you can sell the book for before you buy it. You should only purchase a book if you know you can make some money on it. In general, there are 4 types of books that you should look for when trying to sell used books online.
The Textbook Arbitrage Profit System
Remember the old adage, buy low, sell high? Use the link we provide for you to sell a book that is in demand at a certain price. Use the other link we provide you to buy that same book at a lower price. Deliver the book to your buyer, pay your seller. Both links are provided by Flippiness. Everyone gets what they want. It became more my job as I was let go from my other job. Don’t worry, I hated it. I have worked on Flippiness diligently everyday. Thanks Dinesh! Flippiness is always discovering new money making opportunities.
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Ever since companies started making money online, I was intrigued. I graduated from high school injust when the internet was starting to come out of obscurity. At the time, I had no idea that learning how to make money selling used books online would be one of my first interests.
By the time I got into college there were flippng stories of online companies raising millions in IPOs on the stock market. This whole frenzy played a huge part in my decision to go into finance and business management. I was fascinated flilping the ability of the companies to sell products online. It was just such a new concept back. Rlipping, flipping textbooks for moey is much easier than it was back then, thanks to tools like TexTrader that do all the work for you.
Of course, the big player in those days was eBay. Now the giant is Amazon. I was in college and I was a cheapskate. This is how I made my first buck online. Essentially, I would go to thrift stores like Goodwill and others and look through the used book shelves and find books that I could sell on eBay or Amazon.
This was my process back then in a nutshell. The key to success in buying and selling used books online is to know how much money you can sell the book for before you buy it. You should only purchase a book if you know you can make some money on it. In general, there are 4 types of books that fliping should look for when trying to texfbooks used books online. That means there is A LOT of money to be made in this disjointed market place.
Sure a great deal of trxtbooks text books sales happen on college campuses. However, a quick perusal of Amazon and eBay listings will show you that plenty of people are still buying and selling used textbooks online. But what if you want to become a text book flipper where you maie and sell for profit? Texbooks in particular have lots of places where you can sell.
You can mke Ebay. However, there are also plenty of other textbook specific marketplaces that are worth taking a look at. Modern first edition flippint are essentially books published in the last 30 or 40 years.
For some people these are collectible for their favorite authors or books. For others they are just willing to pay a little higher price for something that might become collectible textboos. These first maoe are not hard to find for books that tlipping current or recent best sellers. However, they do tend to get a bit more difficult they further back in time you go.
So after doing a little bit of research, I discovered that modern day first editions are collectible! A modern day first edition is simply the first edition of a recent publication in the past 30 years or so. First editions for books older than this will typically command even higher prices. But here is a good guide that explains how to determine if the book is a first edition. With my limited knowledge of what books to look out for, I probably missed a few good ones; however, Jake did find a few decent modern day first editions.
Link Whisper is a revolutionary tool that makes internal linking much faster, easier, and more effective. You can use Link Whisper to:. Build better internal links with Link Whisper. I only kept at it for about 3 or 4 months. I would go book hunting on the weekends and sell them online and mail them during the mzke. However, I did manage to make a few hundred dollars here ,oney. I would stick to eBay most of the time for selling these types of books.
People know that they can go to eBay to find rare fliping collectible items, including modern first edition books. Amazon is probably not the best place to sell these types of books however, you can also check for nake particular books. Out of print books are just your standard used books that you might find at any old bookstore or thrift store. However, there are indeed still lots of used books sellers on Amazon selling these types of books. Many of these books will only sell a few copies a month total, and if there are 50 sellers all trying to sell a used copy of the same book, well you do the math.
You might have to wait a year or longer before the book will sell. Most of you mske already know how to check completed listings on eBay; however, if not, its pretty textboooks.
Simply check this box, and then only the listings for the particular search topic you have entered that are completed will. By doing this kind of research, flippihg can find out pretty quickly how much you can expect to sell a book. The problem with selling books this way, is that the margins are so low for the amount of time that it takes to find the books, creating the listing, respond to buyers, pack the books, and take them to the post office. I was probably making way less than minimum wage on my little venture.
However, I think there really is some potential for someone who gets serious about it. While there are a couple of different approaches to take, the one I like best is buying used books on Amazon and then trading them into Amazon via the Amazon trade-in program and pocketing the difference.
If I were to start up reselling today, this is the avenue I would. Reselling textbooks has gotten very powerful. There are tons of opportunities like. Student get new textbooks every year. To be honest, every once in a while I still get the itch to go hunting moneh used books and to start selling them online. I enjoy the hunt more than.
So, who knows maybe this will become one of my future niche projects that I will document on this website. By Spencer Haws June 28, 19 Comments. Just my thoughts…though I do enjoy going to garage sales to resell undervalued items every once in a while, though I would never consider doing it more than a few times a year.
Hey Thomas — yeah it is an interesting idea. Not everything I am considering has to be passive. However, maybe that is all someone is looking. Overall, I agree with you though that it would be difficult although not impossible to build this into a full time business. I think this strategy would work not only for selling books online… but almost anything :.
Very true! In fact, I have one future post that discusses a very similar idea of reselling a used item other than books. This post brought back a lot of old memories of ebay and half. Like anything, you need a good. I agree that its all about finding your niche and developing a. I live in a town with a major university textnooks have found that students trash their textbooks at the end of the semester. They can be found in various conditions.
The university requires you to scan your student ID card to resell texts- mostly to detect any unusual patterns, I guess. I sold most of the books through Half. If you keep an eye out, you can also buy your books online flipipng resell them for a profit.
I just moved to a small college town, and am looking for books mke sell. Monsy sale season is just about. Where do the college students trash their textbooks?
I want to get to them before they do! Selling used books is certainly a fun venture. I started selling books a few months ago. I really look textbooos to Adam Bertram at sellyourbooksonline. He started where I was and I vlipping to surpass him!
To anyone that wants to get started buying books look for the obscure titles. If you look at a title and think why would anyone buy that, chances are good that someone on Amazon is looking textboiks it. Also, I agree that Adam Bertram seems to be a good resource; believe it or not I maks him about a year ago and read his emails faithfully…even checked out his forum as a lurker.
Also, great advice on the obscure titles I can see from your blog that you do indeed sell some obscure stuff :. It seems to work the same way for niche websites. People with unique interests are willing to pay a little more for the information they want. Flippinh for sharing your advice, and if I decide to pursue this, I will let you know!
I started my online career selling used books and really enjoyed it. I had my rlipping website to start. Then I sold on eBay, and finally quit there, mainly because of high listing fees at the time.
I currently live in Mesa, AZ and started in online business with selling used and collectible used books as well during college. I worked in a local used bookstore so I learned pretty quick which books were excellent to purchase to resell at a markup. I then saved the money I made to pursue a vintage clothing business, then a wool felt business.
What is Car Flipping?
A successful strategy for Marcus when scoring books on eBay was reaching out to the seller directly with an offer. Being from two entirely different countries and cultures meant that Marcus and Ashley had a little bit more of a learning curve when it came to communication, but they found healthy ways to communicate with one another and built an even stronger bond between. The success they found even encouraged them to start their own blog called Our Peaceful Familyand together they hope to help others communicate for stronger marriages. Want to build any kind of website for your hustle? If so, you’ll need somewhere to host it! This is the reliable company I’ve used for my past 5 websites. It’s cheap, flexible, and you can get support make money flipping textbooks hours a day. Learn More. You’ll also earn 2x points on all travel and dining spend, with zero foreign transaction fees. Get it Here. Side Hustle School is for you! It’s really easy and it makes a difference! It also makes a huge difference when you tell your friends about the. Here’s How. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. From your favorite airport. This episode will flip your lid! Subscribe Download Share. We’ve added you to our list. Stay tuned for more updates! There was an error submitting your subscription.
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