There have been a number of data points recently that have caught me off guard. I understand if you are retired, a student, handicapped, doing heavy manual labor, or under-employed how you might not work 40 hours a week. Working 40 hours a week or less is fantastic if you are happy with your income and career, not bored out of your mind, and can get away with it. Unfortunately, I am say skilled enough to do what I want with that little amount of time, nor do I have the courage to work so little for what I am being compensated. I think I would probably get fired if I worked that little. Besides, I have at least 60 hours of work energy in me a week at the age of Might as well utilize it before it fades, because I used to have 80 hours of work energy in my 20s! A,l point 1: Two women on the bus were chatting next to me and explaining what a long day at work they. I got in an hour early at am and am absolutely exhausted! Sign me up! In equities banking, we lowly analyst had to get in at am...