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Easy ways to make money sunless sea

easy ways to make money sunless sea

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Note: This question xunless with just the base game. If you’re playing with the Zubmariner expansion, see the following question instead:. What’s the fastest way to gain Echoes in Sunless Sea with Zubmariner? My first Sunless Sea character spent most of his time scraping money together from port reports to buy supplies, so that he could go visit the same ports again to replenish his supplies, and aays pretty much never got traction on getting enough money to buy weapons or other ship upgrades. I tried Googling for some advice on how to make money, sunleas it seems like all the hits I’m getting go back to earlier versions of the game and are no longer applicable. For instance:. A popular recommendation is to run Tomb-Colonists to Venderbight other than the first onebut I think this is old advice because there is no option to buy them in London. Another popular recommendation is to hunt pirate ships north of London. However, I usually only run into about one of them, two if I’m lucky, easy ways to make money sunless sea the hull damage I incur, plus fuel and wajs to get out there in mooney first place, doesn’t make it wys what I typically get as a reward. Another recommendation involves buying Mushroom Wine and selling it in Venderbight. That doesn’t cover the fuel and supplies for the journey, plus there’s nothing to pick up in Venderbight that seems worth bringing back to London. Maybe part of these have to do with not having enough money to fill my hold to make trade routes worth it.

Home Games. Sunless Sea — Beginners Guide. Easy to use guide to get you started and stay afloat in Sunless sea. What to Consider in the Beginning Taking notes! The game can sometimes be a little unclear on what to do and where to go next. Have a pen and paper ready. Explore the islands around London. Accept quests and make money or items to sell. When you have saved enough, travel further and visit new islands to get more quests. Accept all quests, even the shady ones, you will need the money and future jobs from these characters. When you have more money and a bigger ship. Prioritaze supplies before fuel when buying. When fuel runs out you can always use supplies to scrape together extra fuel. Always buy more than you need unless you want to get stuck in the middle of the ocean! Dont buy a larger ship until you have more than enough. The small ship will to fine for a large portion of the game. Dont rush buying a bigger one, save money, do missions and increase your skill set. Get the cladery heart a boat with 80 storage and hull instead of buying a new ship. You can obtain this ship by doing the cladery heiress quest so I suggest doing this as soon as possible. Trade stories or items for extra cash and favours. Avoid trading away Zee-stories especially not for your crew! Try to save up as many of these as possible. Transfer sphinx stone from ‘The salt lions’ norht east of london , back to london. You need a echo deposit for this one.

easy ways to make money sunless sea

Money / Resource Manegment

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Sunless Sea Store Page. Global Achievements. Firef1y View Profile View Posts. I’ve just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. The money are a struggle for me. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Showing 1 — 15 of 34 comments. Axz View Profile View Posts. View Profile View Posts. You can also take clay men to London once you find Polythreme. And it never goes away, though beware of the Unfinished Men event. You can also make money as Axz said by doing rounds of port reports: Uttershroom, Mangrove, and Polythreme will get you 50e. Whither, Abby Rock and Chapel are 20e. The rest are 10e or 5e. Unless an update has changed this. As for Terror reduction Pigmote can be good for that. Last edited by ; 14 May, am. I did actually find a good option, it’s not very sporting, but it works. I have slighty changed it because I found a faster way. Make sure you have at least 20 cargo spaces, then go to Hunters Keep and have lunch with the sister that GIVES you terror, she will also give you salts attention. Then go to the Salt Lions and use salts attention for echos, then accept to take the sphinzestone back to London, you’ll need a deposit of echos, easy as you just made less than 5 sec’s ago.

What to Consider in the Beginning

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Sunless Sea Store Page. Global Achievements. Firef1y View Profile View Posts. I’ve just done a few missions for the blind and the admiral, a few side quests. The money are a struggle for me. How does one amass money fast, and what are the typical approaches? Showing 1 — 15 of 34 comments.

Axz View Profile View Posts. You can also take clay men to London once you find Easy ways to make money sunless sea. And it never goes away, though beware of the Unfinished Men event.

You can also make money as Axz said by doing rounds of port reports: Uttershroom, Mangrove, and Polythreme will get you 50e. Whither, Abby Rock and Chapel are 20e. The rest are 10e or 5e. Unless an update has changed. As for Terror reduction Pigmote can be good for. Last edited by testshot ; 14 May, am. I did actually find a good option, it’s not very sporting, but it works. I have slighty changed it because I found a faster way.

Make sure you have at least 20 cargo spaces, then go to Hunters Keep and have lunch with the sister that GIVES you terror, she will also give you salts attention. Then go to the Salt Lions and use salts attention for echos, then accept to take the sphinzestone back to London, you’ll need a deposit of echos, easy as you just made less than 5 sec’s ago.

You can only do the sphinzestone about 5 — 6 times and the sisters can be visited a little more than that, but not forever. Well, not just yet, but believe or not that’s the point to this whole thing. You save up as much money as you can and then buy the best gun you can afford if you collect nearby port reports along the way on each run you should have at least echos. Buy the best gun and then go out to zee and wait to die.

It’s gives you a choice of the one you bought and the one you started with, obviously chose the good one. Now you start from the very beggining with potentially the best gun that you can buy in london.

Technically you could keep on earning then dying, but you’d need to be a scion each time so you can hand down the gun each time and then choose a 2nd legacy, which I assume wouldn’t be worth it. Sounds good Axz. I took other route — instead of addressing the topline, focused on controlling the expenses. Namely went for the best engine one can.

Even the transport runs like a cat after a laser dot when it has that engine. I think the fuel usage remains the same to cover the same distance. But since you are doing it faster you can now cross the water with less supplies hence giving you less expenses and more cargo to sell per run.

One problem though — the Compulsion is nonrefundable. Originally posted by Axz :. It’s not immediately apparent, but Sunless Sea is basically a trading simulator. The second part is usually the problem and you need to develop trade routes, otherwise you’re never going to make a profit. A one way trip just pays for the expenses, and you need to make money on the return trip as well to make a profit.

I’d take notes on who wants what if I were you. It’s easier than trying to keep it all in your head. Despite the weird setting the closest thing to SS in the gaming universe is Ports of Call. Originally posted by SKull :. Some things can be very profitable, but most things are more of a trade-off than trading.

Searching the ruins in Mt. Palmerstone for example. You buy rations in London, trade rations for the chance to find something worthwhile and then return to London and sell your stuff. But trading in the sense of buy a good in a shop, sell it in another shop, that would be senselessly boring grind indeed unless Easy ways to make money sunless sea missed something that gives more than echo per sale.

Originally posted by cdarklock :. Last edited by Firef1y ; 16 May, pm. The thing is that this game really is not about going back and forth, earning money. Money is just a means to an end, mostly staying alive and therefore being able to do more stories.

The more expensive ships are affordable when you have a succession of heirs and many heirlooms. Also if you are so desperate for money you did not even calculate all the stuff you can sell to the university?! The masks and enigmas. Without the sparse resources the game would be quite boring in my opinion. Last edited by blaa ; 17 May, am. Originally posted by blaa :. Wlerin View Profile View Posts. And you can always add in some Port Reports and other profitable ventures along the way.

And no I’m not referring to Red Honey smuggling. Last edited by Wlerin ; 19 May, pm. Originally posted by Evil Milk :. Last edited by Wlerin ; 21 May, pm. Originally posted by Wlerin :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 11 May, am.

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Ranneko’s Zailing Tips 8 — Making Money (Part 1)

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Sunless Sea Ot Page. Global Achievements. But those threads are old. And you now get yearning burning to deter you from selling to much sunlight? Also the only way to lose yearning burning seaa at your lodgings? Any tips or ideas for a newer player? It takes awhile with the starting ship, and sometimes you get into a lull where the lifebergs only drop a key that most of the time gives you crap.
