Redditors asked Gates everything from «when was the last time you wrote code» to «what’s your favorite prime number. Along with parenting, Gates said in the Reddit AMA that «following through on commitments to yourself like doing more exercise also improves your happiness. Tennis is Gates’ go-to exercise, he said in the AMA. He also has a «trampoline room» inside of his house, which he said»seems kind of over the top but my kids love using everyone makes more money than me reddit to work off their excess energy. Gates said later in the AMA while answering another question that money has made him happier in some ways. Being a billionaire has given him the «blessing» of not having to «think about health costs or college costs,» for example. America needs to make these things affordable enough so that they are «accessible to everyone,» he said. Setting and pursuing goals has been shown to improve your well-being because it provides you with meaning and purpose, and ultimately leads to a feeling of accomplishment. Relationships, however, have a big impact: An year study from Harvard found that relationships are the greatest predictors of happiness, even more so than money or success. Like this story?
Bullet Bouquets: A Business Made on Reddit
By Siofra Brennan For Mailonline. Many of us dream of a job to make us super wealthy or winning the lottery, but having a lot of money does come with its downsides, according to a new Reddit thread. User Tonatron20 posed the question: ‘Rich people of Reddit, what don’t they tell you about being rich? Serious replies only. Revelations included having no true friends, being forced to cut off people who beg for money and being paranoid about losing everything. Scroll down for video. Wealthy people have taken to Reddit to explain what it really feels like to have a lot of money, sharing tales of feeling isolated from friends and having to cut off family members who constantly ask for handouts. One poster called Tempa-d-badman offered his perspective of being a young millionaire. You worry about losing a significant amount of your money. But you worry about losing much of your wealth. Redditor Tempa-d-badman from London explained that he worries more about money now that he’s worth millions than he did when he was less well off. If you have money then you have money to lose and so you worry. He also admits to hiding his wealth from his friends. I’m worried about people judging me for it, and expecting money from me and seeing me differently. People admitted that they had drifted apart from their friends because they couldn’t relate to each other’s lifestyles.
Why I LOVE /r/personalfinance
Updated on September 24, How so? Of course, it can be overwhelming because there’s just so much information. And then there are the people who make jokes and other less amusing comments. But take it from me, you can learn so much from fellow Redditors. I know. It serves as an organized message board where communities of people with like-minded interests engage. Every Sunday, for about 2 hours, I cook and cook and cook. That’s all it takes, two hours! Now I cook for two people for less than that. Nothing could be truer. It is often so tempting to take the easy way out and live off sites like Seamless and Postmates, but the truth is that food costs add up very quickly and could hold you back from achieving your goals such as building your emergency fund or a sinking fund. The bill was being auto paid on his credit card. I think he was aware he was paying it I’m assuming , but not sure that he really knew why.
Gates just opened up about his happiness and what he believes holds many people back from peace of mind.
Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. Please click here to update your account with a eveyone and password. Some features on this site makds registration. Please click here to register for free. Hello and thank you for registering. Monfy complete the process by verifying your email address.
If you can’t find the email evsryone can resend it. Some features on this site require a subscription. Where do you live? I have a 29 year old staffer who works hard and only makes 55k, but 5 weeks of vaca, tremendous retirement and great healthcare. Your friends may also be going horribly into debt to «.
And how exactly do you benefit from omre in you little pity party because you don’t make as much as some other people? Learn to accept and appreciate what makees. Get over revdit, do your job as well as you can and look out for opportunities for promotions. I make a pretty good salary. Note: living in LA, a lot goes to rent. Also: the higher the salary, the more likely higher ups study what you do and wonder if you should be replaced by minimum wage interns.
The tense trade off is not fun. I likely make much less than my HS and college classmates. But I am ‘richer’ than them in other factors. I have a year relationship with a great man. We have strong ties with both sides of the family and are the favorite uncles to many nieces and nephews. I teach at the college level my salary is in the mids and have made profound effects on young people for many years.
I love my paying job, and have also relished my volunteer activities with animal rescue and assisting families with HIV disease. What r8 said.
I learned that lesson a long time thaan, and am much happier because of it. Who fucking cares if someone makes more than you do? You don’t know their situation; they very well could be living on credit, totally in over their heads and miserable. Concentrate on your own life and happiness.
Your life isn’t defined by how much money you make. What I do resent is that since moving to the East Coast, everyone around me seems to have or is related moeny someone who mzkes a beach house.
And this seems to be regardless of income. One of my friends was talking tyan a low salary mony last week, and I make less than the salary that she mentioned! OP, Never work for less than you feel your worth. Life is too short to struggle through it. Don’t worry about what others make. You have no control over. Why is it a competition between you and your friends as to who earns the most?
Maybe what you need are some new, less materialistic friends. Seriousley, you make 85K a year and u r bitching. Shut the fuck up. Try making 30K a year being almost 33 years old. Kids with highschool summer jobs make as much as I. The worst part is I am too dumb too go to school and get a good job.
I cant even pass erddit entrance exam to get into an electricrician apprenticeship. I am fucked and its going to only get worse. Yes, this thread could use a little more statistics.
I live makees NYC, work a full time office job, and yet can’t afford a real vacation annually while my friends working as spin instructors, actors, and servers are constantly going on great vacations! How does that happen?? Age 32; operations manager at a marketing firm.
Are you trolling? The data lounge income posts are the worst. For instance 85k in Manhattan is the equivalent of making 36k in Charlotte, NC which is still a pretty big city. Money IS important. Enough with that bullshit. You shouldn’t always choose the money, but don’t say money never matters. Still, fuck the OP. He just wanted an excuse to fish for compliments. He knows he’s doing pretty well, especially considering his age.
Yes indeed, we too use «cookies. I know we deddit You can thank the EU parliament for making everyone in the world click on these pointless reddti while changing absolutely. Otherwise, you’ll just have to find some other site for your pointless bitchery needs. Become a contributor — post when you want with no ads! I feel like everybody makes more money than me I am convinced my friends make more money than me.
It’s depressing. I work hard. How much do you make? We’ll confirm for you. Get off the meth They are just buying ugly couches with the money, so it doesn’t matter. Same here, OP. My mom makes more than I do! Finish your sentences. No savings, no k.
Success and happiness is not measured by a W-2 statement. R13 here Stop whining and do something about it. I make considerably less than OP but I’m doing what Everyone makes more money than me reddit love. I consider myself fortunate. Is this an East Coast phenomenon? Or just D. Yea, bitch slap. I make under 40K op. R26, your spin instructor friends monry up to their tits in debt. My first post-college job in an ad agency in the late ’70s? So what OP?
It isn’t important. OP — Please don’t take this as an insult, as it is merely a helpful observation: You have poor or negligent grammar. It’s «. I’m eveyrone and I make more money than you. What R12 said. Don’t measure yourself by money. I hate htan Fuck you. It really does depend on the location R Cost of living can make some of these numbers very misleading. Your friends may make more than you, but they’re all whores, tban.
I tried my hand at investing. I bought stock in Sirius before Howard Stern joined — lost a shitload. I bought stock in Pandora — lost there. I bought stock in Move Inc. You should invest for the long-term and keep investing. If you are new to investing, go into something simple, automated and easy like Betterment. Traditionally when you ghan to invest successfully, you would do two things. Nobody wants to miss out on the boom cycle or get destroyed by the bust cycle. At its core, this is the problem Betterment attempts to solve. Check out our full review. Another really easy way to get started is to set up a K with your employer. Invest in index funds or lifecycle funds. Yep, I made that mistake .
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