Lava Strykwyrms are a high-level slayer monster located deep in the wilderness. Being released with the tier 85 Staff of Darkness, Strykebow, and the Lava Whip on the 16th of February,they were the first monsters that were able to drop sub 80 level weapons. Killing Lava Strykwyrms requires level 94 slayer, gaining its tasks from Kuradal and Movran. They do not require a slayer task to defeat. Along with 94 slayer, players should also have very high combat stats, approximately 90 defense and magic, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious staff and ganodermic armor. Since you will be in the wilderness, do not take items that you can not afford to lose. Your inventory should consist of overloads, super restore flasks, food and magic notepaper for the searing ashes the Strykwyrms drop. The only items worth picking up from the Lava Strykwyrms are the searing ashes, gold drops, noted items, and the tier 85 drops. Killing Lava Strykwyrms can net you approximately 2 million gold per hour at medium efficiency if you are moderately lucky with the tier 85 drops. If you get super lucky, you can make up to 15 million gold per hour. General Graardor is regarded to be the second hardest god wars one boss, allowing high-level players to be able to kill him efficiently. This efficient nature of the boss is what makes it desirable for the majority of Runescape players as you can kill over 70 General Graardor per hour.
#9. General Graardor:
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Vindicta is Zaros’ general in The Heart. Unless the player has high levelled gear and experience, it is recommended to fight Vindicta in a team. Vindicta is located in the southwest area of The Heart. Players can easily get killcount by visiting nodes that Zarosian groups are attacking or simply kill the ones inside the fortress area. Alternatively, one can use the Boss Portal in the Max Guild to teleport straight to the lobby area. Experienced players should bring a nihil of their primary combat style for an accuracy increase. Alternatively, a Steel titan ‘s special move Steel of legends can deal significant damage if used consistently throughout the fight, making it an even better familiar for players that already have enough accuracy. Vindicta has , life points and enters a second phase upon reaching , With a high level duo or larger team, it should be possible to get through Phase 1 without a fire wall dropping through the effective use of a damage-boosting ultimate ability. Vindicta spawns in the middle of the arena. Although she has relatively few special attacks compared to the other generals, she more than compensates with very powerful melee auto-attacks that can deal up to damage. After several attacks into the battle, Vindicta will call on Gorvek to unleash fire on her target. This damage does not increase even if the player has used Berserk or the Berserker aura variants. This ability is signified when Vindicta raises her swords into the air. Simply run out of the way of the wall; however, the direction is completely random and the fire travels extremely quickly, so be prepared to take some damage. This mechanic is easily predictable as Vindicta always follows the same attack pattern during the first half of the fight. Note that if the target runs from her and she is unable to attack them, she will use her ranged attack which is normally used in teams and will skip some of her normal attacks. The ranged attack in a normal situation hits everyone more than 2 spaces scythe range away from her. However, damage from these attacks can still be mitigated easily via defensive abilities if needed. Once Vindicta falls at half health, phase 2 begins. If not used at the start of the fight, at ,, life points, use Berserk, Sunshine or Death’s Swiftness depending on your style of combat , and quickly gain adrenaline to use a Threshold. Once Vindicta falls at half health she will mount Gorvek. If using melee, click away before using any combo moves such as Destroy or Assault to prevent the ability being interrupted due to repositioning as a result of their increased size. Despite these abilities, the best way to mitigate damage is still by recovering health via Soul Split. After the ranged attack, the pair will follow up with a melee attack before flying into one of the corners and sending out a fire wall, which is aimed at the primary target like in phase 1. When they prepare to fly to one of the corners, use Slaughter , Fragmentation Shot or Combust , to deal extra damage on them and move out of the way of the fire wall; if solo or with a good team, allow the two to move to you instead of running to them to deal higher damage due to movement ticks. If you plan on moving towards Vindicta’s position, use Surge or Barge if melee and click to the side during the ability to avoid standing in the flame if used from far away. Sign In Don’t have an account? Start a Wiki. Information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on this page. For the hard mode strategy guide, see here. Contents [ show ].
#9. General Graardor:
#10. Lava Strykwyrms:
Lava Runscape are a high-level slayer monster located deep in the wilderness. Being released with the tier 85 Staff of Darkness, Strykebow, and the Lava Whip on the 16th of February,they were the first monsters that were able to drop sub 80 level weapons. Killing Lava Strykwyrms requires level 94 slayer, gaining its tasks from Kuradal and Movran. They do not require a slayer task to defeat. Along with 94 slayer, players jaking also have very high combat stats, approximately 90 defense and magic, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious staff and ganodermic armor.
Since you will be in the wilderness, do not take items that you can not afford to lose. Your inventory should consist of overloads, super restore flasks, food and magic notepaper for the searing ashes the Strykwyrms drop.
The only items worth picking up from the Lava Strykwyrms are the searing ashes, gold drops, noted items, and the tier 85 drops.
Killing Lava Strykwyrms can net you approximately 2 million gold per hour at medium efficiency if you are moderately lucky with the tier 85 drops. If you get super lucky, you can make up to 15 million gold per hour. General Graardor is regarded to be the second hardest god wars one boss, allowing high-level players to be able to kill him efficiently. This efficient nature of the boss is what makes it desirable for the majority of Runescape players as you can kill over 70 General Graardor per hour.
The fastest way to reach the god wars dungeon is to use a god wars teleport tab that can be bought from the grand exchange, teleporting you right outside the entrance of the dungeon. Killing General Graardor requires a minimum of 70 strength to enter the Bandos encampment in the god wars dungeon.
Along with 70 strength, players should have at least 90 attack, defense, strength, and constitution, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding dual drygore weapons and bandos armor. Your inventory should consist of overloads, super restore flasks, food, magic notepaper for bone drops and alchemy runes for rune items. The items worth picking up from General Graardor are the ourg bones, rune items, gold drops and bandos armor pieces.
Killing General Graardor nets you around 1. If you get super lucky, you can make up to 3 million gold per hour. It is a giant demon that is located north of troll stronghold. This AFK nature of the boss is what makes it desirable for vjndicta majority of Runescape players. If you get super lucky, you can make up to 4. It is a giant bird that is located north of troll stronghold. Along with 70 range, players should have at least 90 range and defense, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious bow and armadyl armor.
Your inventory should consist of overloads, super restore flasks, food, magic notepaper for potion drops and alchemy runes for black dragon hide drops. If you get super lucky, you can make up to 5 million gold per hour.
Players wishing to slay Helwyr need to head over to The Heart. Helwyr is a giant dog looking boss that spawns toxic mushrooms that damage the player. It is advised players attempting to kill Helwyr need to have very high skills and very high leveled armor and weapons to go with those skills.
Helwyr mainly attacks with his melee abilities. Helwyr also has three special attacks that should be avoided if you want to kill them efficiently. Killing Helwyr requires a minimum of 80 magic to enter the area.
Along with 80 attack, players should have at least maxed runescxpe, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious scythe and malevolent armor. Your inventory should consist of overloads, super makint flasks, food and brews.
While killing Helwyr, players runescspe attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable.
Helwyr, being a higher tier boss, have a very good GP per hour. You can expect to earn over 3. If, however, you are lucky you runescappe earn over 8 million gold per hour very easily. The Twin Furies dual bosses are in the Heart. It is advised players attempting to kill the Twin Furies need to have very high skills and very high leveled vindictaa and weapons to go with those skills. The Twin Furies are very powerful vinsicta you take a lot of damage while fighting. The Twin Furies makint has three special attacks that ivndicta be avoided if you want to kill them efficiently.
Killing the Twin Furies requires a minimum of 80 range to enter the area. Along with 80 range, players should have at least maxed combat, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious scythe and malevolent armor. While killing the Twin Furies, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable. The Twin Furies, being a higher tier boss, have a very good GP per hour.
If, however, you are lucky you can earn over 10 million gold per hour very easily. It is advised players attempting to kill Gregorovic have very high skills and very high armor and weapons to go with those skills.
Gregorovic is very accurate making you take a vindlcta of damage while fighting. Gergorovic also has three special attacks that should be avoided if you want to kill him efficiently. Killing Gregorovic requires a minimum of 80 prayer to enter the area.
Along with 80 prayer, players should have at least maxed combat, 95 prayer and 96 herblore wielding a noxious scythe and malevolent armor. While killing Gregorovic, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable. Gregorovic, being a higher tier boss, has a very good GP per hour. You can expect to earn over 4 million gold per hour with moderate luck. If, however, you are lucky you can earn over 15 million gold per hour very easily.
Players wishing to slay Vindicta need to head over to The Heart. It is advised players attempting to kill Vindicta need to have very high skills and very high leveled armor and weapons to go with those skills. Vindicta also has three special attacks that should be avoided if you want to kill them efficiently. Killing Vindicta requires a minimum of 80 attack to enter the area. While killing Vindicta, players should attempt to moneg up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable.
Vindicta, being a higher tier boss, have a very good GP per hour. You can expect to earn over 4. If, however, you are lucky you can earn over 17 million gold per hour very easily. They currently sell for 25 million gold each in the grand exchange.
The Queen Black Dragon is a medium tier minute so many players choose to kill. Kills typically take around 2 minutes, but can be as low as 1 minute for maxed players. Killing the Queen Black Dragon requires 60 Summoning. Players should have 80 combat stats, using either magic or ranged to kill the Queen Black Dragon. Even though killing the Queen Black Dragon is easy compared to the other bosses on this list, it has one of the highest gold per hour.
Killing the QBD efficiently, an experienced player can net over 8 million gold per hour, taking every drop she offers to the player. Arraxor is the final boss on this list and is by far my favorite boss out of all of.
Its drops are so astonishingly valuable I just can not stop killing. Arraxor is one of the hardest bosses in the game and as such should only be killed by the most experienced players.
Killing Arraxor requires the player to have maxed combat. Anything less and you will have a very difficult time.
Although with more experience any combat style is viable, when you are learning you should use either range monet mage to kill Arraxor. Killing the Arraxor efficiently, an experienced player can net over 11 million gold per hour, taking every drop he offers to the player.
If however you get lucky, this number can jump all the way up to 25 plus million gold per hour. Now that is just insane, and its where I acquired most of my wealth.
Toggle navigation. Sponsored Advertise With Us. Lava Strykwyrms: Lava Strykwyrms are a high-level vidicta monster located deep in the wilderness.
Requirements: Killing Lava Strykwyrms requires level 94 slayer, gaining its tasks from Kuradal and Movran. Money Earned: The gindicta items worth picking up from the Lava Strykwyrms are the searing ashes, gold drops, noted items, and the tier 85 drops. Requirements: Killing General Graardor requires a minimum of 70 strength to enter the Bandos encampment in the god wars dungeon. Money Earned: The items worth picking up from General Graardor are the ourg bones, rune items, gold drops and bandos armor pieces.
Helwyr: Players wishing to slay Helwyr need to head over to The Heart. Requirements: Killing Helwyr requires a minimum of 80 magic to enter the area. Money Earned: While killing Helwyr, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable.
Requirements: Killing the Twin Furies requires a minimum of 80 range to enter the area. Money Earned: While killing the Twin Furies, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable.
Requirements: Killing Gregorovic requires a minimum of 80 prayer to enter the area. Money Earned: While killing Gregorovic, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he drops as it is all very valuable. Vindicta: Players wishing to slay Vindicta need to head over to The Heart. Requirements: Killing Vindicta requires a minimum of 80 attack to enter the area. Money Earned: While killing Vindicta, players should attempt to pick up all the loot he runeescape as it is all very valuable.
Money Earned: Even though killing the Queen Black Dragon is easy compared to the other bosses on this list, it has one of the highest gold per hour. Arraxor: Arraxor is the final boss on this list and is by far my favorite boss out of all of .
#10. Lava Strykwyrms:
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