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I realize that most product specific forums are not very fond about touting the competition, so forgive me if this is out of line ,,, But on the other hand, a well crafted product stands on its own, and comparisons of similar items can be expected. Saw the article in American Woodworkers btw, fairly poorly done article which didn’t help me a bit. Quite a difference for similar machines, and I was wondering what advantages could I expect for the price? Seems to me though, I see «markup» written all over these 2. The Shark actually has a larger cutting area, and perhaps a better software package. I am attracted though to the superior rigidness of the desktop. Like the router, would it be an option for me to get my own spindle, and perhaps save a bundle here? Don’t mind paying extra for superior performance, at the same time don’t want to feel like I’m being gouged for such things as shipping or markups on tools either. Use would primarily be hobby, and light production. If you happen to be in the South Florida area you can see a desktop at the camp on Friday or Saturday this week. All in all the desktop is a much more robust piece of equipment and will take heavier use. The PC router price includes the z setup for it and is heavier than the Bosch the Shark will take.
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I feel that this would give me the ability to add even more customization to the above projects as well as endless customization to other projects. So I am looking for input from anyone who has had experience with the shark or any other consumer grade CNC setup as far as recommendations and suggestions. I am currently looking for a turnkey solution that would get me up and running in a short period of time, not a custom construction project. My approach to this technology is for you first to dominate software. The machine takes orders from the computer and not from your hand. Research on software. Another thing. Research on support.
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The cheapest will run you hundreds of dollars, the mid-range units are in the thousands, and the sky is the limit when it comes to professional models. Choosing the right one can be confusing, and making the wrong choice can be expensive. Very, very expensive. Often we shop with a price in mind, trying to get the most features we can for our budgeted.
This inevitably requires us to make dww. concessions than we. But until the money trees you planted in your back yard start producing, bargain hunting is a fact of life. Some have built homemade versions for less, but that is a whole different skillset. The X-Carve comes completely disassembled in a series numbered boxes and bags.
It is essentially a collection of parts that the seller purchases from various factories, and they let you turn those parts into a machine, cutting out the middle man and keeping moneyy price. Some people say they were able to assemble it in a good, long day.
Others report needing a week or. No instructions are provided, but a comprehensive tutorial is available online. I found the assembly to be a complicated- and at times frustrating- process. There are literally hundreds of parts. But with patience and a few basic skills soldering. You have to connect the top and bottom halves together and assemble the spindle carriage. It can be a little unwieldy for one person, but the entire machine will be up and running in about an hour.
I did have some difficulty getting the router motor mounted into the carriage, which was a very tight fit, and I skinned my knuckles a couple of times in the process, but it was manageable. Absolutely no flexing can be tolerated in the frame or spindle carriage.
So the lighter the build, the less material you can cn with each pass, significantly extending the amount of time it takes to complete a task. The bed is a sheet of MDF with a series of threaded inserts for attaching clamps. The X-Y movement is controlled snark light duty stepper motors upgradable for an additional costattached to Neoprene belts and guided by nylon rollers with sealed bearing inserts. Cncsharltalk. is designed to take very light passes with small router bits.
I found that it was essential to find a very flat surface to mount my assembled machine to. It is very easy to twist the entire thing out of alignment. The bed is 1 inch thick extruded aluminum with multiple grooves for attaching clamps.
The X-Y movement is controlled by heavy duty stepper motors which drive mney compensating, anti-backlash lead screws, and is guided by adjustable linear bearings on heavy steel shafts. I found the overall construction to be very stiff; I could not force it to flex at all. The lead screw drive is more accurate and durable than belt driven systems. And the linear bearings are a dramatic improvement, both in terms of accuracy and in longevity. This is simply a very heavy, very well built machine.
They do differ, however, in that you can only use certain spindles on each machine. The Yku provides two spindle options. You can use their light duty spindle motor or attach a trim router like the Bosch Colt. The heavy frame makes it possible to use every bit of that power, taking a deeper cut with each pass. And they are working on a laser engraving attachment as well as a 3D printing option!
They see the extra cost that comes with a large bed capacity, and they convince themselves that they can get by with. Really, really tiny. I can almost vncsharktalk. that you will be frustrated with such a small capacity unless you only make mlney specific projects and never dream of anything. The MDF bed and light duty aluminum supports also proved to be a problem for me when it came to keeping it flat. Others have reported fewer problems in this area. But the true difference is nearly unmeasurable.
It means more parts can be cut from larger work pieces, full size signs and carved panels can be completed a single session. More about that later. And the thick aluminum bed is not only very flat, but the machine has a bed mapping feature which scans the surface and makes adjustments in the software to cancel out imperfections. The software can be the difference between a great machine, and an expensive piece of junk.
Here, more than anywhere else, you get what you pay. The X-Carve comes with no software. You do get access to their free, web browser based Easel software online- which is remarkably easy to use and feature rich for cncsharkhalk.
price. But it is really made for cutting on a single plane. That means you can cut out a flat part, or engrave a shape. But it will not cut steps or relief carvings. As of the time of this writing there are rumors of a new 2. But for now you will have to be creative if you wish to cut to different depths on the same workpiece. For example, run multiple sessions as if they are separate projects without switching the material.
Or, you can purchase new software that will give you those capabilities for several hundred dollars. The point is, the machine itself may be capable of cutting along all three axis, but the software severely limits those abilities.
VCarve is created by a company that specializes in professional CNC systems and it has more features than the average user will ever need.
For one thing, it allows the machine to cut in both 2D and 3D. You can design a project from scratch right within the software using the powerful drawing tools or the hundreds of clip art files.
And it is fully customizable. You can even modify the the numerous router bit profiles or create your own to match any bit you want to use. Another feature I love allows you to tile a project automatically. That means you can divide a workpiece of any size into sections so you can fit them on your machine. All of these features do come with a learning curve, but a series of instructional videos is provided to moneh you going. But many are unique to this machine and they allow it to grow with you as you take on more complex projects.
Virtual Zero- This included feature maps the surface of your work piece and uses the data to automatically make adjustments in the software to compensate for warps and twists in the material. This is a fantastic feature for woodworking as perfectly flat stock is hard to.
The manufacturer also boasts an untold capacity for creative potential that this opens up when working with 3D work pieces. Touch Plate- This accessory is designed to make it very fast, easy and accurate to set up your router bits. I really found it to be essential when setting the zero point of a moneyy installed bit.
You lower the spindle until the very moment the bit contacts shaek touch plate, which senses the contact and stops advancing. It sure beats trying to gauge when the bit contacts the work piece by eye.
Thousandths of an inch are very important in CNC routing! Dust Collection- This is an essential feature in my mind. But it cncshar,talk. still a big factor in my decision to get a CNC Shark. It has its own motor, a chuck and a tail stock with a live center.
This opens up a whole new world of CNC routing. You can use it to make copies of existing objects! Water Cooled Spindle- This 2HP spindle can replace your router as the primary cutter on your machine. It is liquid cooled, making it a great option for long projects that may overheat a standard router. I am told that these upgrades will also be available for the CNC Shark in the near future. That was a HUGE selling point for me! But it is clearly in a totally different class. The Shark is vastly better built, more powerful, and feature rich.
It comes with hundreds of dollars cncsharkttalk. high end software, enabling it to do a lot more right out of the box. And with the available accessories, it is massively upgradable. Like I said at the outset, it is unfair to compare the two, apples to apples. As a confirmed tightwad myself, I understand the desire to save some cash. And I have no gripes about the X-Carve beyond what is mentioned.
If all I was going to make was little signs and maybe cut out a few small project parts now and then, I would stick with just the X-Carve. But I know. I would soon wish I had more capacity, more power, and more functionality. I would eventually want to work faster with harder materials.
I would wish I could carve furniture parts, or make really big signs. I would covet the feature packed software the better systems. I would want the ability to upgrade to a water cooled spindle, or a 3D printer.
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