About Us Terms and conditions Privacy policy F. Q Contact US News. All rights reserved. Q Sell To Us. Note: Possible account termination when using illegal leveling or illegally obtained gold. Credits are the main in-game currency in Phantom Forces, one fastesy the most popular Roblox shooter games. With credits, players can unlock various cosmetics and weapons in the game.
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There are sometimes credit giveaways hosted on the Discord, and for certain events such as the New Year, players would be rewarded with credits. The total number of credits received when ranking up increases linearly: the higher the rank that is obtained, the more credits received when that rank is unlocked. A player will receive the numeral of the new rank multiplied by five, plus credits. Every weapon, aside from starter weapons, and attachment has an initial cost value. For weapons, the initial cost is the numeral of the Rank which the weapon is unlocked multiplied by , plus CR. The initial cost of a weapon is lowered by CR each time the player obtains a new rank. This keeps occurring until either the player obtains the rank required to unlock a certain weapon or buys it. For example, the UMP45 is unlocked at Rank 5. The initial cost of the weapon is CR. If a player is at Rank 3, this cost has been reduced to CR. For attachments, the initial cost is the numeral of the kills required to unlock the attachment plus CR. Instead of the cost being lowered every time the player unlocks a new rank, the cost is lowered every time the player obtains a kill with a weapon. Note, the cost is of the attachment is only lowered on the weapon that the kill was obtained with. For example, the Z-Point is unlocked with 10 kills. The initial cost of the attachment is CR.
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Brian Stauffer. By Dennis Overbye. Long, long ago, when the universe was only about , years old — a buzzing, expanding mass of particles and radiation — a strange new energy field switched on. That energy suffused space with a kind of cosmic antigravity, delivering a not-so-gentle boost to the expansion of the universe. Then, after another , years or so, the new field simply winked off, leaving no trace other than a speeded-up universe. So goes the strange-sounding story being promulgated by a handful of astronomers from Johns Hopkins University. In a bold and speculative leap into the past, the team has posited the existence of this field to explain an astronomical puzzle: the universe seems to be expanding faster than it should be. The cosmos is expanding only about 9 percent more quickly than theory prescribes. But this slight-sounding discrepancy has intrigued astronomers, who think it might be revealing something new about the universe. And so, for the last couple of years, they have been gathering in workshops and conferences to search for a mistake or loophole in their previous measurements and calculations, so far to no avail. Now ideas are popping up. Some researchers say the problem could be solved by inferring the existence of previously unknown subatomic particles. Others, such as the Johns Hopkins group, are invoking new kinds of energy fields. Adding to the confusion, there already is a force field — called dark energy — making the universe expand faster. And a new, controversial report suggests that this dark energy might be getting stronger and denser, leading to a future in which atoms are ripped apart and time ends. Thus far, there is no evidence for most of these ideas. If any turn out to be right, scientists may have to rewrite the story of the origin, history and, perhaps, fate of the universe. Or it could all be a mistake. Astronomers have rigorous methods to estimate the effects of statistical noise and other random errors on their results; not so for the unexamined biases called systematic errors. As Wendy L. Generations of great astronomers have come to grief trying to measure the universe. At issue is a number called the Hubble constant, named after Edwin Hubble, the Mount Wilson astronomer who in discovered that the universe is expanding. As space expands, it carries galaxies away from each other like the raisins in a rising cake. The farther apart two galaxies are, the faster they will fly away from each other. The Hubble constant simply says by how much. But to calibrate the Hubble constant, astronomers depend on so-called standard candles: objects, such as supernova explosions and certain variable stars, whose distances can be estimated by luminosity or some other feature.
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