English action star Jason Statham has convincingly portrayed a host of unsavory, yet oddly endearing, tough guys hit men, thieves, con men, assassins, super spies dud bodyguards who can generally be counted on to dish out beat downs and lead jake chases while intercutting the action with a well-timed quip. From being an Olympic diver to fashion model to even having a side gig in the black market, Statham amassed a unique set of skills that perfectly positioned him to be an action star. Jason Statham attends the press conference of director F. Give me some of the patter. And he was fascinated with that, and he just wanted someone who was authentic. So even though Statham had no acting experience or training, Richie cast him as Bacon, a central character who was attempting to make easy money to repay a huge gambling debt. In his next crime comedy, SnatchRichie brought Statham on again, this time as a petty criminal named Turkish who tries to make a name for himself in underground boxing. The film was a huge hit, which established Statham as an action hero and spawned a sequel in Statham has also starred in the films Crank and its sequel, as well as The Mechanic and its sequel. In Statham joined an already mobie action franchise, The Fast and the Furious mogie and inreprised his role in its eighth installment, The Fate of the Furious. Staham concedes that he had some hesitation cgank it. Since Statham has made more than 40 films, almost all of them in the action genre.
Movies in Theaters
This Friday is Black Friday, but there’s a lull on the home market with not a whole lot of great releases. This is the usual pattern for Thanksgiving. The biggest hit coming out is The Expendables , which should top the chart, while there are a number of smaller releases that are in contention for Pick of the Week. It’s coming very close to Halloween, which means there are a lot of horror films on this week’s list. However, much of these films are of the smaller variety, like Night of the Creeps. Looking at the best of the releases, there are two that jump out at me, both Blu-ray releases. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past led all new releases topping the rental chart this week with more than twice the number of rentals as X-Men Origins — Wolverine managed. There were not as many new releases to reach the top 30 on this week’s rental chart as there were on the sales chart , but the same film topped both. X-Men Origins — Wolverine earned first place with more than 2. This week there are not that many releases on this week’s list, but there a few releases at the very top that are worthy of being the DVD Pick of the Week. Monsters vs. It’s the week before we get the sales numbers of the first of the summer blockbuster that hit the home market, so it comes as little surprise that the overall sales are weak this week. There were six new releases to reach the top 30 on this week’s sales chart , including earning three of the top four spots, but it was a case of quantity above quality. As for contenders for DVD Pick of the Week, this is the last week before the flood of Summer Blockbusters starts coming out, and while there are a lot that are worth picking up, but very few that rise above the level of a solid purchase. Moviegoers Can’t Stay Away April 28th, The final weekend of April is usually slow, but that was not the case this year, as nearly every film in the top five beat expectations, sometimes by large margins. The real test starts this weekend, as goes head-to-head with ‘s record-setting run, but if it can run even, it will be seen as a major victory. It also placed first during its debut in China, but no box office numbers were released. As spring draws to a close, and studios sweep out the potential misfires, the overall box office numbers slip in anticipation of Wolverine. More importantly, thanks to 17 Again ‘s stronger than expected start, it was I’m not sure it will be able to maintain this pace over the summer. That said, the year has built up a sizable lead, and as long as the summer is merely average, we should go into the fall with higher ticket sales. A better than average week for movie websites, with no really bad sites, and only a few that are not at least better than average. There was a two-way race for the best of the best, with State of Play ‘s Official Site coming out on top and winning the Weekly Website Award. Will Seventeen Rise to Number One? April 16th,
Movies in Theaters
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Movie Details
What’s the most depressingly, pointlessly offensive film you’ve ever seen? A sequel to the silly, overblown but goofily enjoyable original tale of a hitman compelled to keep himself alive by constant jolts of adrenaline, the film announces its intentions from its opening moment, as our antihero, who has apparently died, is shovelled off the sidewalk and fitted with an artificial heart by a group of unscrupulous Chinese gangsters. He then spends the rest of the film attempting to retrieve his real heart. There are countless other scenes like this; throwing away the comparative restraint and good-naturedness of the original, the sequel seems content to wallow in mean-spirited unpleasantness, apparently on the grounds that not enough films these days feature, say, graphic genital torture or a man slicing off his own nipples. Although, predictably, a hardcore fan base has congregated to defend the film in excitable terms , its poor showing at the US box office speaks volumes, with the potential audience perhaps sickened by the film’s extreme misogyny and racism. Watching Jason Statham making jokes about «chinks» doesn’t make the film edgy or daring; instead, it places it in the same regrettable vein of humour as Bernard Manning and Love Thy Neighbour. However, this depressing trend in trying to appal rather than entertain audiences seems to be catching on. Danny Leigh’s article about the new Seth Rogen film, Observe and Report, made many salient arguments about the picture.
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Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. It’s a film about a guy injected with Speed It’s a film about a guy who has to kick a bunch of squirmy butt to stay alive But it is a film about doing lots of drugs and pulling lots of punches, and it entertains accordingly.
Tap to review this movie. Rate this movie. Oof, that was Rotten. Meh, it passed the time. So Fresh: Absolute Must See! You’re almost there! Just confirm how you got your ticket. AMC Coming Soon. Cinemark Coming Soon. Regal Coming Soon. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.
It’s a promising concept, but instead of expending effort on, say, a coherent script, the filmmakers lazily rely on cheap editing tricks and gleefully relentless sadism. Elizabeth Weitzman. Leave it alone, or leave your brain and pocket change at the gate, strap yourself in and just enjoy the ride.
Neva Chonin. Viewers baffled by stuff happening for no particular reason should probably stay well away. Keith Phipps. For those who enjoy this brand of wholly mindless entertainment, Crank delivers. James Berardinelli. Jason Stratham rampages through Los Angeles in this retread of Speed, but for a movie premised on unrelenting action, Crank proves fatally turgid.
Nathan Lee. The movie is cranked up somewhere between stylish and proudly stupid. Owen Gleiberman. The biggest problem with Crank is it is full of ugly characters who make it hard to have a rooting. Micheal Compton. It’s trashy, gory, gratuitous, ridiculous, completely far-fetched, and I had a smile on my face the entire time. Felix Vasquez Jr. Gets by on a unique kind of absurd, deadpan humor in which the most implausible stuff cheerfully happens.
Jeffrey M. Sure, Crank is totally ridiculous, unbelievable, exhausting, and pretty much just plain stupid, but that’s what makes it fun. Brian Tallerico. Ranks among the most mindless action films ever made, but scores as a helluva video game.
Bruce Feld. The super-concentrated silt at the bottom of a chemistry experiment that has no possible purpose to it but to deliver whatever limited jolt of which it’s capable. Walter Chaw. Top Box Office. More Top Movies Trailers.
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Super Reviewer. Tap to review this movie Review this movie. Rate this movie Oof, that was Rotten. What did you think of the movie? Step 2 of 2 How did you get your ticket? Bought somewhere. Submit By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.
How did you get your ticket? View All Photos Movie Info. A one-time freelance hitman who did crank movie make money just attempting to turn his life around is forced to keep his heart pumping when his vengeful former employers inject him with a lethal poison that will permanently stop his ticker if his pulse sinks beneath an active rate in a non-stop urban action extravaganza starring Jason Statham and Amy Smart. Chev Chelios Statham was one of the most skilled assassins in the West Coast crime syndicate.
When he hung up his guns in the middle of a job to run off with his new girlfriend Eve Smarthowever, the man who was once the hunter now becomes the hunted. Awakened from his slumber by a telephone call informing him of his precarious situation, Chelios soon discovers that the only way to save Eve from certain death at the hands of his nemesis is to stay two steps ahead of his killers, keep his heart-rate high enough to stay alive, and blast through the streets of Los Angeles in search of an antidote.
Mark NeveldineBrian Taylor. Jan 9, Jason Statham as Chev Chelios.
Crank 2: High Voltage
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