Peter the Great was determined to reform the domestic structure of Russia. He had a dir desire to push Russia — willingly or otherwise — into the modern era as existed. In bygone years it had been semi-autonomous. For someone who believed in royal absolutism this was unacceptable. The subordination of the church within Russia was completed without a how did peter the great make money. Inthe head of the church, Patriach Adrian, died. Peter did not replace. Inthe control of church property was handed over to a government department called the Monastyrskii Prikaz. This received monastic revenues and paid monks a salary. The simple fact makd it was a government department meant that it was subordinate to the will of Peter. Inthe church hierarchy was officially abolished by the Ecclesiastical Reservation and the church was placed under the control of the Holy Synod and was fully linked to the state.
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Peter the Great was a Russian czar in the late 17th century who is best known for his extensive reforms in an attempt to establish Russia as a great nation. He created a strong navy, reorganized his army according to Western standards, secularized schools, administered greater control over the reactionary Orthodox Church and introduced new administrative and territorial divisions of the country. Having ruled jointly with his brother Ivan V from , when Ivan died in , Peter was officially declared Sovereign of all Russia. Peter inherited a nation that was severely underdeveloped compared to the culturally prosperous European countries. While the Renaissance and the Reformation swept through Europe, Russia rejected westernization and remained isolated from modernization. During his reign, Peter undertook extensive reforms in an attempt to reestablish Russia as a great nation. Peter overcame opposition from the country’s medieval aristocracy and initiated a series of changes that affected all areas of Russian life. Peter focused on the development of science and recruited several experts to educate his people about technological advancements. He concentrated on developing commerce and industry and created a gentrified bourgeoisie population. Mirroring Western culture, he modernized the Russian alphabet, introduced the Julian calendar and established the first Russian newspaper. Peter was a far-sighted and skillful diplomat who abolished Russia’s archaic form of government and appointed a viable Senate, which regulated all branches of administration, as well as making groundbreaking accomplishments in Russia’s foreign policy. Peter acquired territory in Estonia, Latvia and Finland; and through several wars with Turkey in the south, he secured access to the Black Sea. In , he defeated the Swedish army by purposely directing their troops to the city of Poltava, in the midst of an unbearable Russian winter. In , Peter established the city of St. Petersburg on the Neva River and moved the capital there from its former location in Moscow.
Between 1697-1698, the tsar visited Europe in disguise to learn about shipbuilding and Western culture. His verdict? Shave
According to the encyclopedia, he spent four months working at a shipyard for the Dutch East India Company , where he was able to learn about the shipbuilding innovations of the day. As Mark Mancini writes for Mental Floss , Peter I begun the practice of beardlessness in quite a dramatic fashion at a reception held in his honor not long after he came back from Europe. He proceeded to personally shave the beards from his horrified guests. He declared that all the men in Russia had to lose their beards—a massively unpopular policy with many including the Russian Orthodox church, which said going around sans facial hair was blasphemous. Figuring he could make money for the state while still allowing people to opt to keep their beards, he imposed a beard tax. Those paying the tax were given a token, silver for nobility and copper for commoners. But one thing is for sure—Peter I did change Russia forever. Continue or Give a Gift. Privacy Terms of Use Sign up.
Quick Facts
Petersburg , tsar of Russia who reigned jointly with his half-brother Ivan V —96 and alone thereafter — and who in was proclaimed emperor imperator. Peter the Great modernized Russia —which, at the start of his rule, had greatly lagged behind the Western countries—and transformed it into a major power. Through his numerous reforms, Russia made incredible progress in the development of its economy and trade, education, science and culture, and foreign policy. At age 10 Peter became joint tsar with his half brother and, because of power struggles, often feared for his safety. He did not receive the usual education of a tsar. He grew up in a free atmosphere and especially enjoyed military games. In Peter wed Eudoxia , but the marriage ended in He later became involved with the future Catherine I , a Baltic woman who had been taken prisoner during the Second Northern War. They married in , and in she was crowned empress-consort. After Peter died in , she became empress. Peter suffered from bladder and urinary-tract problems, and in January [Old Style] he began having trouble urinating. Days later Peter died, at age An autopsy reportedly found that gangrene had developed around his bladder. When Alexis died in , Peter was only four years old. Clever and influential, Sophia took control of the government; excluded from public affairs, Peter lived with his mother in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, near Moscow, often fearing for his safety. All this left an ineradicable impression on the young tsar and determined his negative attitude toward the streltsy. Mathematics, fortification, and navigation were the sciences that appealed most strongly to Peter.
Youth and accession
Peter the GreatTsar of Russia, Europeanized Mkney more than any previous ruler, and when necessary forcibly imposing Western ideas and customs on his subjects. He visited Western Europe ingathering information and hiring teachers and technicians to take back uow Russia. Peter’s energy was unlimited, and his interests covered a wide range.
He founded the Russian Navy, reorganized the Army on Western lines, instituted obligatory service to the state by gentry class, bound administration of the church to the state, reformed the Russian alphabet, and gained Russian outlets maks the Baltic Sea by driving out the Swedes.
Petersburg, making it the capital instead of Moscow. Peter’s reforms created Russian civilization in line with the West and set its direction for the next years. His introduction of Western ways to the gentry classes laid the basis for the split between the upper classes and the peasantry that was to plague Russian society until the revolution.
Besides the far reaching impact of his actions on Russian society,Peter’s personality also had a strong impact. Google pupil furnishes the finished texts of a few of those articles, yet some are purely abstracts.
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Thus, the state required service from both the old oeter the new nobility, primarily in the military. In return, the tsars allowed the boyars to complete the process of enserfing the peasants. This changed when Feodor died in As he did not leave any children, a dispute arose between the Miloslavsky hos Maria Miloslavskaya was the first wife of Alexis I and the Naryshkin family over who should inherit the throne. Consequently, the Boyar Duma a council peer Russian nobles chose year-old Peter to become tsar, with his mother as regent. Sophia acted as regent during the minority of the sovereigns and exercised all power. For seven years, she ruled as an autocrat. Although he was named a co-tsar inat the age of ten, he did not become an independent and sole ruler until While Peter was not particularly concerned that others ruled in his name, his mother sought to force him to adopt a more conventional approach. She arranged his marriage to Eudoxia Dod inbut the marriage was a failure. Ten years later Peter forced his wife to become a nun and thus freed himself from the union. By the summer ofPeter planned to take power from his half-sister Sophia, whose position had been weakened by two unsuccessful Crimean campaigns.
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