Funny screenshots. Aug 16 Add furniture for purpose of planning then sell it and leave it unfurnished. Move family into house. Avoid buying plants, paintings and other decorative items. Do not copy my strategy on other sites. Use a computer instead of newspaper for more variety of jobs. Avoid making modifications in Build mode once the family is on lot. Real homes usually have too many rooms, narrow hhallways, U-shaped staircases, and other elements monfy do not work well in The Sims. You can copy external shape of real homes, but design floor plan according The Sims rules. Single-storey homes are most efficient in The Sims, two-storey is also OK, but avoid making homes with more than 2 floors of livable space. One square in The Sims equals 3 feet, 0.
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September Is there a way i can play multiple families without having the family im not controlling progressing while im not using them. When i went back to my original household i had missed the birth of the baby and he was already nearly progressed to a teen. Go to Solution. Yep, save the game and go to the menu. This should create a new world with default Sims, which you can play without progressing the various Sim families in your main world. View in thread. May June This solution is great for multiple people real people having their own games when playing Sims 4. It does not work for my gaming purposes. I would like to be able to play generations of a family, separated into different households, without losing progress. When I played the adult children of my chosen family then went back to the original household, the mom had lost all her work performance and was on the verge of being fired. That is what needs to be fixed in this game. At least the skills of the sims are saved in the library. November January Go to your menu, select game options and turn off Auto-aging for non-active sims. Note: this will also halt aging on your townies, but if you’re wanting to halt progression outside your house, they would need to be maintained anyhow.
Managing the Game with Multiple Households
The Sims Forums. Categories Discussions Activity Best Of January 17 — Friday Highlights are back! Come take a look! January 17 — Ready for a -not tiny- livestream? Click here! January 16 — Patch day for The Sims 4! Next Go. Acidfairyyy Posts: 45 Member. April in The Sims 4 General Discussion. Whenever I play a new family I start a new save game which means all my families live separately from each other, hampering my enjoyment of the game somewhat. I want to start a new save and have a few families in it that I rotate between and was wondering who else does that and if anybody has any interesting ideas for families I could set up? So far I have ideas for the fancy old money family, the famous musicians, the trailer park and the lone male vampire. Also, if I want it to work like TS2 I guess I’d set ageing for unplayed households on, played households off, current household on? Does it work like that? Tomatplante Posts: 2, Member. April I play rotational with my legacy family.
The Sims 4
Hey everyone, I’ve got a few Sims in different households with carers, etc but there is 1 main one that I play mostly. I kind of thought that Sims I created would be in care for self now when I wasn’t paying them, but looks like they just age up. It’s that right? Go to Solution. View in thread. I don’t work or have any association with EA. Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so. This widget could not be displayed. Help us improve Answers HQ! Take Survey No, Thanks. Sign In or Register. See details Show less. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Do you mean.
Sims do not live in a vacuum and, depending on how their lives evolve or simply on your whim, you may otuer that Sims to change families or houses. We saw the Marriage of Christine National and Freddie Holman, but they did not move in together immediately due to a bug or possibly a feature that would have interrupted their wedding. Now that both parties are home, we can unite their families for good. There are three ways you can get to the Manage Household screen. Because they’re married, he’s guaranteed to accept, and you’ll access the screen. Finally, you can do it from the map screen. Hover the cursor over the house you wish to change, and a few buttons will appear. Click the icon at the bottom that features two Sim silhouette, as shown in the very top screenshot of this page. No plajing how you get there, you’ll be shown a screen that features two tabs: one for played households, and one for unplayed NPC households. Christine’s household is the only one in the Played tab, so we click. We are shown this screen The four buttons across the bottom lead to do sims keep making money when playing other households features where you can affect the household. The left button with the pencil allows you to edit the Sims’ clothing in Create a Sim mode. Note that houuseholds can’t change their names, bodies, or any other feature except outfits. The second button with the moving van allows you to move the entire household to a different lot. The fourth button with the trash can will delete the household entirely. The third button with the two opposite-facing arrows is the one we want. Click playung, and you’re taken to the House Split and Merge screen. The selected family is on the left, and the right side is currently. The right side features the same Played and Unplayed tabs, and you can create a new family outright. Now, some NPC families will mix up, and it may be a little tricky to find them in the list since we don’t know exactly what world Freddie was living in in the first place.
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