Women are paid 20 percent havs than their male counterparts performing the same job, according to the Institute For Women’s Policy Research. Women of color fare even worse. Some experts argue that women won’t reach pay equity with men until But not all researchers agree. Wh believe women’s pay may even surpass men’s in the next few years. At this rate, young women’s wages will overtake men’s by A new survey conducted by Lending Tree seems to make a similar point. While millennial men are generally in better financial standing than women, the gap between genders has narrowed. The Pew Research Center reportsthough, that compared with the median hourly earnings of to year-old men, the earnings for women of the same ages have increased from 67 percent in to 90 percent in According to Lending Tree’s findings, women also have more debt than men and are less likely to be homeowners. Yet women ranked higher than men in terms of average credit score: 36 percent report a credit score of or higher vs. Young women are also, arguably, better with their money.
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An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company’s distinctive lens. Leaders who are shaping the future of business in creative ways. New workplaces, new food sources, new medicine—even an entirely new economic system. Click here to read the whole series. As male-dominated blue-collar jobs have become more scarce, some men have turned to pink-collar work. Rieger talked to Fast Company about why women gravitate to the nursing field, how men in her field are treated, and what she has learned about negotiating and advocating for herself—and nurses as a whole. Her account has been edited for space and clarity. And then after about a month or two, I realized that it definitely was not the right choice for me. The nursing philosophy really took into account the stresses of your life. Are you using food as a source of stress relief? Do you need to understand how to make better nutritional choices? Nursing has changed so much from the years where when a physician came up and we were sitting there, we would have to give them their chair and cigarettes. We would wear these white dresses and skirts just 20 years ago. You think about it now—climbing up on top of a patient to give CPR in a freaking skirt and tights. Are you kidding me? The concept that we are a part of this healthcare team and we are critical thinkers, not just here to execute orders blindly—that has really changed the mentality and helped nurses realize their worth. That power dynamic is very, very apparent, and nurses feel it and talk about it. About three years ago, there was, ironically, a Miss America pageant where a contestant was a nurse. For the talent portion, she stood up in her scrubs and stethoscope and gave this beautiful monologue about the patient that she would never forget, and her talents as a nurse. And it was so touching and moving. And is she wearing a costume? The show apologized and companies pulled advertising. We ended up having , members in less than a week. So this really resonated with the whole nursing world, all coming together to say this is not okay. So we had this platform, and we were like, what do we do with this?
Age 40: You buy a home
Your financial situation is ever-evolving — just like your happiness. To find out what that timeline looks like for the average person, we’ve gathered some research on how Americans spend, save, and earn money. Anyone, regardless of age, can be guilty of overspending. But for the average American something, the propensity to do so is often the greatest. That means they’re most likely racking up debt — or getting help from Mom and Dad — to cover their expenses. Living beyond your means is a bad financial habit to adopt, but entry-level salaries, expensive rent , and student loan debt aren’t helping millennials spend less and save more. And many aren’t doing it alone. Women’s salary growth outpaces men’s up until about 30, when they start having children, then slows down considerably within the next decade, according to research from PayScale cited by CNBC. PayScale found that the most common jobs held by American women were registered nurse, elementary school teacher, and human-resources administrator. The most common jobs held by American men are software developer, project manager in construction, and computer-systems administrator. Reaching millionaire status is usually a dedication to saving. But it’s easier to sock away more money when you have a high-paying job. On average, women hit the milestone at But you don’t have to be a high earner to become a k millionaire. Account icon An icon in the shape of a person’s head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile. Login Subscribe. My Account. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options. Tanza Loudenback. Your financial situation is ever-evolving. But there are certain ages in life when you’re most likely to reach a peak related to spending, saving, and earning money. For example, the average American woman earns the most money of her career around age
A nurse practitioner talks about the gender pay gap in nursing, and what she has learned about negotiating and advocating for herself.
Thankfully, you can do a lot of that work in your spare time. Here are some of the so ways to make some extra money, ranging from the super-lazy to the intensely-engaged. Here are some options, sorted by how much effort you want to put in. The best money-making techniques are the ones that require the least effort, right?
Try to sell them before you donate. Offload it to a neighbor or on Craigslist. Post it on CraigslisteBayAmazonEtsyor wherever else you plan to sell your stuff, and walk away.
If you live in a major city or metro area, renting your room can bring in serious money. For example, I live in Washington DC.
I could have off my place to tourists for enough to pay my monthly rent and then some while I visited friends or family out of town. Parking spaces lease hage good money on Craigslist.
You can also sell your hair. It may sound strange, but natural wigs and weaves all come from. Sites like Hairwork and Online Hair Affair both specialize in hair auctions. You can also list your hair on eBay. Jokes aside, eggs and sperm will net you a tidy bit of money as. Men have why do men have an easier time of making money a little easier, but the returns are lower.
Perhaps the most low-effort way to make money is to monetize something you already. If you enjoy shopping, for example, consider becoming a mystery shopperor someone paid to shop in retail stores and report on the service you received and your experience in the store. Competition can why do men have an easier time of making money fierce and sometimes you have to pay up and then be reimbursed for the things you buy and your time, but there are success stories. If you love photography, you can sell or license your photos.
Flickr makes it easy to license through Getty Imagesor you can sign up with a stock photo site like Shutterstock or iStockPhoto and sell your photos. Love listening to music? Slicethepie will pay you not much, but still to listen to review new music. You might be surprised how much work and research there is for a real person to do on the internet.
For more like these, check out our guide to simple online tasks that can make you extra money in your spare time. List your services on sites like Elance or Freelancer.
Plus, they avoid you having to work for free just to get started. Both sites have opportunities for writers, developers, designers, marketers, and. Cut down on competition and offer your services to people in your neighborhood—people you actually know and can interact with in person.
Offer to rake leaves, cut grass, or shovel snow for your neighbors. Handy with computers? Here are a few you can start with:. Everyone has something they can teach to someone else, and tutoring students or teaching your own class is a good way to make some extra money teaching someone something you love. Take on ma,ing students and you have a pretty steady revenue stream. You can offer your services on community message boards or through Craigslist, or you can sign mqking and get certified on sites like Tutor.
As an example, I once applied for a technology job at a community college where I used to live, and the school looked at my resume and instead asked if I wanted to teach some of their continuing education classes in science and computer technology instead.
Odds are you have a skill you know well enough to teach someone else. Keep your expectations realistic. Finally, here are some money-making methods that will take some real effort and dedication. In return, they can pay back handsomely, but you have to put the energy into them to get the returns. Makinh you get started with some of makinh, make sure you have a bit of a passion for them:. Starting a blog, by itself, is not a good way to make money.
Banner advertising and affiliate programs can bring in a good amount of money. Check with your favorite mkaing and see if they have a program you can sign up. Again, it may not be enough to live off of or it might, depending on what you build and how popular it gets! Depending on the amount of time and energy you have to put into some of these, you may be thinking you should just get a second job. Whatever you choose, make sure you pick something that matches up with the amount of time and energy you have to offer, and maybe even lines up with your passions.
You may find that your passion for writing, for example, leads to a lucrative career blogging on one of your favorite productivity sites see what I did there? The A. Alan Henry.
Filed to: money. Share This Story. Get our newsletter Subscribe. About the author Alan Henry. Alan Henry Email Twitter Posts.
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The discrepancy bothered her, but the salary was comfortable, the work was rewarding and she was glad to have the job. She bit her tongue. The salary depends on who gets the gig, but the role stays the. McFarlane rallied an association of civilian managers and specialists, collectively known as CAMS, to unpack what was happening. READ: The key numbers that explain the wage gap. No matter how you crunch the numbers—regardless of sector, position or number of working hours—women continue to earn less than men. Overall in Canada, the earnings gap between men and women who work is about dk per cent, according to the most recent Statistics Canada income numbers. Full-time working women, meanwhile, earn 26 per makinng less than full-time working men. Comparing hourly wages, that number shrinks to 13 per cent, and after controlling for gender differences around factors like industry, occupation, education, job tenure, province of residence and union status, a mysterious eight per cent gap remains. The reasons are many and complex. But there are signs the tide is turning. Something haave when Donald Trump—who has admitted to sexual assault—was elected U. Getting dangerously close to slipping backwards, they dug in their picks. For the women of CAMS, the mking helped validate their own cause.
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