Sharing insights since on carefully saving money, investing, frugal living, coupons, promo codes because the little things matter in achieving financial freedom! I think every parent can relate to having way too many baby and kid clothes piled up in their homes. It seems like no matter what, clothing quickly piles up from hand-me-downs and gifts — even if you never buy new clothing for your children. In an effort to get rid of the excess clutter while making some extra moneyover the past three years, I have sold baby and kid clothes in several different ways. Start off by searching the pieces currently listed on eBay that are similar to yours. The only downside, however, is that going the consignment route cloothes be time consuming to wiht all of the items. You have to clean, hang, and price everything, and it usually has to be in the right season for the items to be accepted. Additionally, consignment stores can be a hit and miss. Sometimes the employee will give you a fair price for an item, and other times you babyy sell your items at a garage sale for a better price. I like that many consignment stores offer a higher payout price for store credit, which is extremely helpful if you need to save money on new clothes for your child. There are a lot of consignment store-like shops online that make trading in clothes for money super simple. I have used ThredUp. There have been times where I mailed in a bag of just a few outgrown items and was pleasantly surprised to make more than I paid for the items. All you have to do is request a bag sometimes they make you pay for it first and then refund you after they receive the bag. Once your bag arrives, fill it up, and then just request a USPS pick up, or drop it off at the post office.
How to make money selling baby clothes on eBay
Finding a niche for your children’s clothing creations helps build a reputation. Whether you create everyday wear or special occasion clothing, such as for proms, communions or pageants, you need an interest in working with parents and kids as you measure, fit and design the clothing. Focusing on the benefits of custom-made clothing, such as wearing one-of-a-kind, stylish clothing that fits perfectly is key to making enough sales to pay expenses and yourself. Research the market to find out the characteristics of your target market, such as parents who are willing to spend extra money for custom clothing, rather than solely buying clothing at a department store. If you create clothing for children with special needs or disabilities, your target market consists of parents who need appropriate clothing that fits their children while allowing functionality. Other demographics include income level and in what neighborhoods or zip codes your target market lives. You may want to work from home or set up a small boutique shop that makes it easier for customers to bring in their children in to get measured. Making money from your custom clothing business requires you to get paid for your time, overhead expenses and supplies. Add up the cost of supplies and how much time you spend working with the parents and their kids to define each piece. Add to this the actual time spent developing a pattern as well as cutting and sewing the actual garment. Include a prorated amount for any utilities, leased space and marketing efforts you require as part of your business. The total is the minimum amount you need to charge. If competitors exist in your area, find out what they charge to get a baseline for setting your own prices while staying competitive. Show off your work by dressing your children in the clothing you sew, and be prepared to hand out your business card. If you sell to more than a local market, showcase your clothing on sites that feature handmade items, such as Etsy. Create social media pages, and post lots of professional-looking photos that show off the details and designs you create. Encourage happy clients to post testimonials related to your designs and customer service skills.
2. Consignment Sales and Stores
As a Mom of two teenage girls, I can tell you that I am almost constantly having to buy clothes. Even when I was a single Mom and it was just myself and Emma, I still almost always had clothes I needed to get rid of. Over the years, learning how to make money selling kids clothes was at time frustrating; at times downright maddening and yes, tedious at times too. What I ended up figuring out was that there was a process that needed to be followed in order to be truly successful at selling kids clothes online. The truth is that some items will sell on certain sites much faster or for a higher dollar amount than they will on other sites. It is best to figure out which works best for you personally and yes, that will take you some time. I have friends who can sell incredibly well on one site but for me, those sites are a flop so it really is something that is personal to each seller. Side Note: Need to add extra money to your household budget each month? Want to skip ahead? Learn how to start a money making blog in just 15 minutes right HERE. Having more kids means a higher cost and since one of the only 10 things you really need for baby is clothing, I would personally keep some of those clothes put back if they will be close in age with your other kids. If there will be a huge age gap between kids, its pretty safe to go ahead and get rid of them all. Set those aside as keepers so you can prepare the rest to be sold online. Take extra care to make sure your items are clean so you only receive good reviews. Because I never know who will receive my clothes when I sell them online, I take the extra step of washing them in a homemade Castile soap laundry detergent with homemade reusable fabric softener sheets. Both homemade products are gentle enough and made without potential allergens to be used by even the smallest ones. Once your clothing is clean and dry, go over it with a fine tooth comb. Otherwise, place those items in a donate pile. For me, I opt for ThredUp and Swap. Both work pretty much the same way with a couple of minor differences. Both work by having you send in your clothing. They will then photograph, store, list and ship your items when they sell. That is the beauty of both sites. You cash your money out and are done. They also accept designer purses, shoes and other accessories. This gives you a much wider variety of what you can sell on Swap. You can either request the bag and label from them or print your shipping label at home. With Swap, you do have to pay for shipping, but those costs can be deducted from the sale prices of your items.
Sell Baby Clothes Online for Cash: 11 Places That Will Take Your Kid’s Used Gear
Boost My Budget. This week Rachel from Minimalism for Mums is sharing how she makes money selling baby clothes on eBay. Selling second hand baby clothes online is a great side hustle idea for parents. My name is Rachel and I discuss the benefits of simple living with a family on my blog Minimalism for Mums. I love to talk about managing a budget, in particular side hustles to help increase income. I started my eBay store in early , around six months after my daughter was born. After bagging up all of her beautiful, but now outgrown outfits, I found myself unsure about what to do with them all! I donated some clothes, but decided to sell on the nicer items and put the earned money toward the next set of outfits needed. After adding a few listings, I was shocked at how much people were bidding for these clothes online. Some dresses from popular high street chains sold for almost two thirds of what had been paid for from new! I scoured charity shops and pre-loved baby events to find good quality clothing to resell. I found there were lots of Mums just like me who needed more clothing for their children, so I decided to go for it as a business on eBay. There are a few different hats you have to wear on a daily basis to cover different areas of the business. There is no typical day, but there are always lots of little tasks to do. A good day might be going into town to raid the charity shops, then listing the items on your eBay account that evening with your feet up and a glass of wine. A less exciting day might be washing and ironing some bulk stock, then doing your accounts to keep up to date with expenses. Earnings can vary depending on item. If you already have children, you could sell some their outgrown clothes as a test run and use the money earned to invest and buy some stock to resell. Stock varies in price.
Sell Baby Clothes With Your Custom Built Dropshipping Business
SaleHoo has more than 13 dropship suppliers for baby clothing
This post may contain affiliate links, which means the site may receive a commission if you purchase or sign up through these links at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclaimer for more information. Every parent finds themselves with endless bags full of baby clothes every six months, many that have been worn clothe, outgrown, or even some with the sales tag still attached. Unless these parents have someone that they can donate directly to, many of these bags full of useable clothes will end up in the trash. Now you can sell baby products online without the guilt of throwing away perfectly good clothing! Get ready to learn how to keep your closets cleans and organized with the clothes that actually fit while monej extra cash when you sell used baby gear. Facebook Marketplace has been picking up steam lately and, it is quickly becoming a well-known platform where people will sell and buy used items. It is super-fast, user friendly and can be done on your own terms and time. Plus just about half the planet is on it. Hoa of the best ways to sell baby clothes on Facebook Marketplace is to prep the clothing and make sure you present it clothea the best light. Find a clean and well-lite table in your home and one by one layout the pieces in order to take attractive clithes. Remember that you want your outfits to look clean and pressed if you have any hopes to sell used baby gear. You can even categorize things, yow example place five little shirts together and take a picture. Market research suggest that a description with a personal story has a higher chance of selling. Mention the brand, if they are brand new or how to make money with baby clothes. You can add your preferred method to deliver these items, which might include physical pick-up, drop—off, or mail. The benefit of using Facebook Marketplace is that it sorts the searches by location and it will display to people in your area the items. This joney pick up or delivery really easy. It is definitely worth listing a few items here and see the type of response you .
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