Get all the most useful and valuable products and services related to Black Desert Online. Search through all the categories and find BDO Silver, strong, well developed accounts, amazing items, power leveling services and even third-party software! The game features an incredibly advanced, player-driven economy. Since the game has so many important elements, there are multiple ways of accelerating your progress in BDO. You can try and get your economy going with a healthy influx of silver coins. You can also go straight for the most powerful items to start challenging the best players in PvP. If you wanted to reach the high end gear all by yourself, it would take you an absurd amount of time. Especially when starting from scratch, without any real initial capital. It can allow you to skip over some of the initial steps and quickly start developing your own economic empire. Trading all kinds of items and materials is a great way of getting to the most powerful equipment. Getting extra characters can also significantly boost your BDO economy. You can easily find professional players who offer power leveling services on all the servers! They can max out multiple characters for you in no time! A good bot can provide a koney source of blakc income. Of course, with this kind of software there always is a risk of punishment.
Biohack’s BDO Trading Guide
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Black Desert Online. Global Achievements. For example, say if I want to do cooking and stuff, I haft to make crates for the imperial delivery BUT my cooking is the lowest level and all these guides are like »master 2» so I haft to first level up my cooking. Then I haft to make the stuff for the crates. I haft to get the ingredients Find a farm for those ingredients. Make bulk and then make it into a crate. Then from the far away land where I made them, I haft to bring it all back to one singular place? That was only one example as well Levelling up trading, getting enough CP etc. Showing 1 — 9 of 9 comments. You are looking at wrong stuff. Lifeskills are not something you should touch before you have loads of money and alts. That is because you need space for all your materials and cannot make all ingridients in reasonable timefrme. Trading is difficult, endgame even. Cooking is largely for saving money on items by making them yourself, like pet feed and buffs. All lifeskills are hard when you want to get serious about them. For a noob the best, most consistent, way to make money is simply by leveling through grinding. Mobs give loot and there is no bad loot. Worst trash can be exchanged for useful things like sub-weps. Once you start grinding in the desert you will get at least 1k per mob.
Getting the Raw Materials for the Timber Crate
In Black Desert Online a Calpheon timber crate is a trade item that can be highly profitable to produce and sell. The very first thing you need to decide is which town you are going to produce the timber crates in. As Calpheon holds the timber nodes that supply the raw materials these crates are best produced either at the town of Calpheon or Trent. As the timber crates are trade items you get a bonus to the selling price of the crate depending on the distance between the node where they are produced and the node where you sell them. Remember that you need to have every node connected between the town in which you produce the timber crates and the node that has the trader you intend to sell the crates too. When you choose the town you need to decide if the added profits from the increased trading distance bonus from Trent is worth the extra effort and contribution point investment needed. To produce a single Calpheon timber crate you need 5 fir plywoods, 5 birch plywoods and 5 cedar plywoods in addition to a single black stone powder. The raw materials for this are fir, birch and cedar timber, which can all be bought, logged or gathered by workers, and rough stones which need to be bought or mined from rocks. You also need access to a timber workshop, at least 11 empty storage slots where you intend to produce the crates and lodgings for the workers which will produce the crates and gather the raw materials. The fastest way to get the needed raw materials is by investing contribution points to get at least one each of the available fir, birch and cedar nodes and have workers gather timber from each of those. If you can get two or three of each that will be even better but you might not have the necessary contribution points as some are rather isolated. When you have invested in the nodes you need to have your workers gather on those nodes. I prefer using human workers as they have the greatest chance of getting secondary items from the nodes. You should use workers at the highest skill level, preferably professional or artisan for timber gathering and you will need a single worker for each node you want to gather from. So if you want to gather timber from two of each of these nodes, you need to have six workers. Before you can get workers you need to get lodgings for them. Each town gives you one free lodging for a worker but you need to invest contribution points to get more. The lodgings at Trent are far worse. You can manage to get 3 workers and the wood workbench for 10 contribution points thereby investing in houses No.
Crafting Calpheon Timber Crates
Biohack here. I recently made a video about AFK processing and in that video I discussed how making trade crates is one way to improve the money you can make doing AFK processing. This way I can update it easily when changes to the game occur and it should be more accessible than a long video. The first thing you should understand about trading is that by itself it is essentially worthless. Instead trade is used to improve the value of other things. In particular those are pirate grinding, active fishing, and of course AFK processing. These will bring you in a good chunk of money every day for very little effort even if you just sell everything on the market. If you are intending to use trading for crate workshops I would also suggest you have enough money that you can comfortably float M-1B in crates without gimping your character. The reason master 2 trading is so important is that at master 2, after completing this quest, and its prerequisites, you will be able to talk to an NPC at the sharing node in valencia. For energy this NPC will give you a buff that lasts 1 hour and provides a 1. There are very few people in the world that can bring in something like M purely from trade. The reality is they probably make something like 50M a week from worker empires, M a week from AFK processing, and 20M a week from trading. The only benefit of doing all 3 is not having to pay the tax when you sell your goods to the NPC instead listing them on the market. Treat them each independently. By the way the tax comes out to Absolutely not. What was a bad guide 9 months utterly terrible today. Meaning at the end of the day you have 30, less silver in your bank for every crate you make instead of selling the plywood. There is no magic secret to leveling trade. It takes time. There are two good options for leveling trading. Active trading and making junk crates and most people do some combination of both. For active trading there are two options. The lazy way and the faster way.
I makiny little to the guide but added pictures and a bit of ma,ing. Thanks Biohack!! I will update this Money Making Guide with any new updates from the money maker. Crares can see for yourself by following Biohack on Twitch and Reddit. The general concepts in this guide are accurate as of Nov The numbers especially in the active income segment are no longer accurate and there are certainly ways to make over M an hour as of the end of Lifeskill mastery will have large implications for the content here when it is released.
Hey All Biohack. Be forewarned this is aimed at brand new lback and is going to be pretty basic. Here we go. I think this is great advice. To understand why you need to know the three ways one makes money in BDO. Passive income is generally measured in silver per CP per day.
This is because the most important thing when it comes to passive income is the number of contribution points you. This can be turned in for contribution points and, when you have second cook time, is one of the best ways to increase your CP.
Processing is king when it comes to AFK income, hence the recommendation from mickin, however with the increasing price mqking relic shards and better drop rate in kamasilvia fishing has become more competitive. Profit from AFK income typically ranges from M per hour. Highest common AFK profits per hour are from processing Fir and Acacia but these resources are hard to get in large quantities. Processing wood generally nets the most dewert per hour with the limitation of only being able to AFK a few hours.
Processing metal is good for longer AFK sessions because it is lighter and in desdrt cases processes slower. It is very common to use remote desktop applications such blacj remotr from your phone or chrome remote desktop from another computer to refresh processing and mojey workers while at work, school, etc…. For guides on processing I recommend my processing video and I also back checking out this spreadsheet which I maintain with current prices on NA server. A note on Trading and trade crates: Trading is one of the most misunderstood and over hyped life skills in all of BDO.
The most important thing to understand is where the profit in a crate comes. The reason most people make crates is because when you sell the materials on the market place you have to mlney the market place tax, which comes out to I point this out because too many players rush to get into trade crates without having first done the setup to get a good worker empire.
Active Income: Finally we made it to the last section of the guide, active income. As the name implies active income is money you make while back playing the game. This is far and away the most silver you will get per hour with typical profits in the range of M with some methods desedt to make well over 30 and some even pushing That cratew said if you hate life skills there are plenty of ways to make active income through combat as.
Grinding profits will depend heavily on your gear and pets, but other methods include, makint elite rotations 1and 2savage riftsand boss scrolls. It would be impossible to cover all the ways to make money actively so let me just give you some advice.
First, be skeptical of guides that sound too good to be true. Expect M an hour as a new player. Second, be creative. The richest people in the game are the ones who constantly test new strategies and take advantage of them before they become common knowledge and are ruined.
Finally never stop searching for knowledge. Best of luck! Lifeskill mastery will have large implications for the content here when it is released Hey All Biohack. It is very common to use remote desktop applications such as remotr from your phone or chrome remote desktop from another computer to refresh processing and feed workers while at work, school, etc… For guides on processing I recommend my processing video and I also recommend checking out this spreadsheet which I maintain with current prices on NA server.
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FARMING — 50 Mil a DAY for 20minutes of «Work»
Biohack’s BDO Money Making Guide
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