Being paid to write on the internet has become a source of income for many professional writers. This is a web job much more complex than we think. Content Writing is the production of unique content adapted to the requirements of the web. It is an editorial technique that is radically different from the classic editorial rules in the print media. The content of the web must be precise, succinct, explicit… and optimized for better referencing in search engines like Google. How to become a web editor?
Get Paid as an SEO Content Writer
As promised, I have one more question to answer this week from MALW reader Gina, who asked earlier about niche blogging vs general blogging. Today, we discuss SEO and high-paid writing. Her question:. I know search engines are becoming less keyword driven, but they are still a reality. Just wondering what your thoughts are on copywriters and SEO. And the pay is crap. These are articles created primarily for search engines to read. Whether people ever read them seems to be a sort of secondary consideration. Your SEO writing is great copy. Stop writing for SEO houses if you want to earn more. Well-paid copywriters sell themselves as capable of delivering knockout information in compelling ways, so that customers of their client Web sites will be excited by what they offer, come back often, and buy products and services. These articles are written for people first, and search engines second. Not everybody can write something people want to read…the pool of possible writers is smaller…and pay is better. Do top-flight copywriters care about SEO and use keywords in online content they create? We try to work them into our headlines and first paragraphs, for sure. As you note, search engines are getting smarter about keyword-dense text. Stop worrying about how much profit SEO companies are making off you, and find your own clients to earn well. Photo via Flickr user smemon
Top 5 Things to Know About SEO
Kevin Cole first wrote this post in June After joining Location Rebel Academy in October , he shared his successes. We get a ton of questions from people looking to join Location Rebel Academy asking whether SEO writing still works — it does, and the goal of this post is to outline how. What you get are the results, pages and pages or blog posts, videos, and articles that are associated with that keyword. Every brand and site out there wants to be at the top of the search results for their particular keyword. Not only is it prime real estate, but the top results get more clicks, and by a pretty good margin. So you can see why ranking well on Google really matters. Few people are even paying attention, never mind clicking, on content they see past page 3 or 4. Notice this site yay is the 3 result. Because we rank so highly for that keyword, lots of people come to this site who are interested in bucket lists. You can see why ranking highly for keywords is important for brands. It can lead to more buyers, and brands like that a lot. So when a brand wants to rank higher in those search engine results, they need to get their keywords out there.
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Back then, it was common to run across SEO writing job ads like:. Gigs like these were one reason many freelancers were put off by the whole idea of writing SEO content. But, I dove in head. No way Jose! I needed to make some money quick because I had a mortgage, car payment, student loan debt. I still write the same way I did then, and I still meet and beat deadlines. Let me take a sec to walk you through what it takes to have a confident mindset as a freelance writer. And FYI, if you come by this naturally, you are way make good money as a seo content writer of the game, so count your blessings. And this could be anything from competing in beauty pageants as a teenager, to reaching out to influential bloggers today asking them to be an affiliate for my products. And yeah, I did the pageant thing? Ok, ok, blame my mom. She had three girls and had to keep us busy somehow! But you know what?
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