View Quote. Who am I kiddin’? I ain’t even in the guy’s league It don’t matter, ’cause I was nobody before I was. That don’t matter either, ya know It really don’t matter if I lose this fight. It really don’t matter if this guy opens my head. Nobody’s ever gone the distance with Creed. And if I can go that distance, ya see, and that bell rings, ya know, and I’m still standin’, I’m gonna know for the first time in my life, ya see, that I weren’t just another bum from the neighborhood. You stop this fight, I’ll kill ya’! This is gonna be the greatest sporting event in the country’s history — a gala occurrence with me beatin’ Green like he committed a crime. The Heavyweight Championship of the World is gonna be held in the only place it can be held, Philadelphia, the nation’s cradle on January 1st — rocky paulie you can make money using my name first major event of our two-hundred year history. This is what I’m looking. Look, it’s the name, man.
A small-time boxer gets a supremely rare chance to fight a heavy-weight champion in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect. Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer trying to make the big time, working as a debt collector for a pittance. When heavyweight champion Apollo Creed visits Philadelphia, his managers want to set up an exhibition match between Creed and a struggling boxer, touting the fight as a chance for a «nobody» to become a «somebody». The match is supposed to be easily won by Creed, but someone forgot to tell Rocky, who sees this as his only shot at the big time. Rocky Balboa is a kind-hearted and uneducated club fighter from Philadelphia whose main source of income is collecting debts for local crime boss, Gazzo. Despite having talent, nobody believes that Rocky can make to the pros. He falls in love with his best friend’s sister and everything seems to be going okay. But things just get better as the reigning champion’s opponent gets injured and Rocky is chosen to take his place because of his nick-name, «the Italian Stallion. Rocky Balboa is a struggling boxer failing to make it big time. Despite his true talent and his inability to admit defeat, his friends and his coach, Micky, never give him the time of day. With his shot at glory in front of him, Rocky trains harder than he thought was possible in order to earn his own self-respect and go the distance. Rocky Balboa, a small-time boxer from working-class Philadelphia, is arbitrarily chosen to take on the reigning world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed, when the undefeated fighter’s scheduled opponent is injured. While training with feisty former bantamweight contender Mickey Goldmill, Rocky tentatively begins a relationship with Adrian, the wallflower sister of his meat-packer pal Paulie. Rocky Balboa is a small-time boxer who lives in an apartment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and his career has so far not gotten off the canvas. Rocky earns a living by collecting debts for a loan shark named Gazzo, but Gazzo doesn’t think Rocky has the viciousness it takes to beat up deadbeats. Rocky still boxes every once in a while to keep his boxing skills sharp, and his ex-trainer, Mickey, believes he could’ve made it to the top if he was willing to work for it. Rocky, goes to a pet store that sells pet supplies, and this is where he meets a young woman named Adrian, who is extremely shy, with no ability to talk to men. Rocky befriends her. Adrain later surprised Rocky with a dog from the pet shop that Rocky had befriended. Adrian’s brother Paulie, who works for a meat packing company, is thrilled that someone has become interested in Adrian, and Adrian spends Thanksgiving with Rocky. Later, they go to Rocky’s apartment, where Adrian explains that she has never been in a man’s apartment before. Rocky sets her mind at ease, and they become lovers. Current world heavyweight boxing champion Apollo Creed comes up with the idea of giving an unknown a shot at the title. Apollo checks out the Philadelphia boxing scene, and chooses Rocky. Fight promoter Jergens gets things in gear, and Rocky starts training with Mickey. After a lot of training, Rocky is ready for the match, and he wants to prove that he can go the distance with Apollo. Sign In. Edit Rocky
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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. But before he’s a contender, Rocky Balboa is a bum. He boxes with bums as a hobby. He makes very little money boxing winning a fight nets him only forty bucks , so he has a job with a loan shark as the muscle who shakes down bums. And he can’t get a date… because he’s a bum. And this bum-ditude bums him out. He feels like his youth and potential is slipping away, and that he’ll have gone to seed without having ever bloomed:. What about my prime, Mick? At least you had a prime. I ain’t had no prime! I ain’t had nothin’! Of course, he gets a ton of negative reinforcement.
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More info about this movie on IMDb. Screenplays for You — free movie scripts and ussing. About Links. The club itself resembles a large unemptied trash-can. The boxing jy is extra small to insure constant battle. The lights overhead have barely enough wattage to see who is usig. In the ring are two heavyweights, one white the other black. He is thirty years old. His face is scarred and thick around the nose His black hair shines and hangs in his eyes. Rocky fights in a plodding, machine-like style.
But the punches do not even cause Rocky to blink He grins at his opponent and keeps grinding ahead. The people at ringside sit on folding chairs and clamor for blood They lean out of their seats and heckle the fighters.
In the thick smoke they resemble spectres. Everyone is hustling bets The action is even heavier in the balcony. A housewife yells for somebody to cover a two dollar bet. Somebody heaves a beer can into the ring. The Black Fighter spits something red in a bucket and sneers across the ring at Rocky. I’m gonna bust his head wide open! He works on Rocky without any enthusiasm.
Ya waltzin’ — Give the suckers some action. Just gimme the water. He is sixty-five, with yellow teeth and wearing sunglasses. Mone want some good advice?
I just want the mouthpiece. Rocky makes the sign of the cross. The fighters engage in battle. The other fighter grabs Rocky in a clinch and purposely butts him The butt opens a bleeding cut on the corner of Rocky’s eye.
Rocky becomes furious over the foul and drives a flurry into the man’s body Rocky slams the man on the jaw and the fighter is out for the night. The fans throw rubbish into the ring. Rocky ignores it. The fans loudly go about collecting bets. The referee does not bother to even count the fighter out and drags him under the ropes where he is moey on a mmake. Two new fighters enter the ring. Rocky slips on a tattered robe. Embroidered clumsily on the back is, «The Italian Stallion.
Without pomp Rocky climbs out of the ring and bums a cigarette from rcky spectator The fighter on the stretcher passes behind. He watches for a moment and continues up the aisle Rocky fades into the darkness of the rear of the club. Also in the dingy room are ten other fighters Two taped fighters talk shop in the corner.
Tomorrow me an’ my mohey are gonna moeny on down to Atlantic City, man. It’s cold, Bro’. That’s right, I got the city to myself Another paces nervously Paulif other fighters shadowbox and spit nervously on the floor.
The fighter that Rocky has just defeated is cann a beer and joking with three other fighters Some of the fighters are smoking. The room is cloudy. A short man of fifty enters. He is dressed in a sweater buttoned over a t-shirt. Rocky raises his head. The promoter steps. Twenty bucks for the locker an’ cornerman — Two bucks for the towel an’ shower, seven for paklie — The house owes ya, sixty-one dollars.
The man peels off the money and departs Rocky closes his locker, nods to the defeated fighter, and leaves. The black Woman studies Rocky’s bruised face Rocky becomes self-conscious. WOMAN tired Yo’ iz an accident. He waves at a pair of high-heeled hookers and they wave. Rocky passes a sleeping wino curled in front of a dirty bookstore.
Rocky drags the man into a protective passageway. He peers into the dark store and sees a sad, huge dog sitting in the window. He mumbles to the dog and continues to the corner. He kicks away the litter that has gathered against the apartment steps and enters. A single light bulb illuminates the gloomy corridor. The one-room apartment is drab, with a curling boxing poster of Rocky Marciano tacked on the wall Nailed against the far wall is a mattress. The mattress is used as a punching bag.
Stuffing spills out of the center. Rocky drops his coat on the floor. He puts on a pair of glasses. He crosses to a small turtle bowl He lifts the creatures. Look who’s home. Rocky starts to boil a pan of makee on his hot plate, then nane an old 45 RPM record on a battered phonograph.
Using it like a microphone, he mimes to the record. He assumes the posture of a famous singer crooning to thousands of adoring rocoy He then switches into a bullish fighting stance and throws several punches. The water boils. Rocky soaks his badly-swollen hands. He has a bandaid over one eye. He looks at the rugged stevedores going about their business He stuffs his hands in his cheap wool jacket and approaches a ship being unloaded.
Rocky passes two thick Mafia types leaning against naje parked car. These men look like blood drinkers. Give ya boss my best. Rocky shrugs rcoky moves away He nears a heavy man working the crane. The heavy man looks frightened He stops the crane and hurries into the ship’s hole. Rocky dashes up the gangplank.
Rocky Balboa
Paul «Paulie» Pennino is a fictional character in the Rocky film series, played by Burt Youngwho, along with co-star Burgess Meredithwas nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the first film. Paulie is Adrian’s older brother and Rocky Balboa’s best friend, later his brother-in-law when Rocky marries Adrian. In Rockywhen Rocky Balboa quits his «collection» job with a local loan sharkPaulie takes his place; this mafioso angle was dropped after the second film. Though he cares for his friends and family, he is often jealous of their happiness and success and feels they owe. If someone insults Rocky in his presence, Paulie usually reacts with anger and withering insults. Paulie seems to be a casual bigot, as seen in Rocky III when he openly stated that he did not like any of the black boxers in the gym where Apollo Creed once trained. He also says in Rocky Balboa that «Italian food cooked up by a bunch of Mexicans ain’t so special. Paulie introduced his sister, Adrian, to Rocky and generally encouraged their relationship. Paulie also invited Rocky to begin his unique training method of punching sides of beef at the rendering facility. Paulie visits Rocky in the hospital after his title match with Apollo Creed. After Rocky marries Adrian, he congratulates. Later, he recommends Rocky for his former meat-packing job; he also buy’s Rocky’s car from him after the latter is laid off. He is disappointed later when he sees Rocky training amateurs in Mighty Mick’s Gym; Paulie visits the pet shop where Adrian works and yells at her for refusing to let Rocky continue his boxing career; the stress of the argument causes her to go into premature labor.
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