The U. Today, Alaska is, of course, worth much more than. The state encompasses somesquare miles or more than million acres. Plus, the state churns out hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil each year. The Louisiana Purchase from France in is another U. But the Louisiana Purchase almost didn’t happen for a couple of reasons. President Thomas Jefferson was widely criticized for acting above and beyond his constitutional authority, especially given his strict interpretation of the Constitution. Secondly, many Federalists worried that the U. The deal encompassedsquare miles, which equates to approximately million acres. Back in the s and s, Spain and Portugal were the world’s two largest superpowers carving up the world. The discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus led to some disputes about who had rights to certain territories. Eventually, the two countries agreed to divide the world along a meridian leagues west of the Cape Verde islands. Unfortunately, the New World turned out to move mostly west in direction and the deal turned out to be rather one-sided. Spain ended up colonizing the vast majority of South America with the exception of present-day Brazil, where Portuguese is still spoken.
These are publications direct from the colleges; they are not government documents. Although we prefer to list retail prices on this website, it can be challenging to find data collected during the Civil War. Prices in various areas of the country could be quite different, and the economic environment was volatile. These links to monthly wholesale prices may be helpful to researchers. Click image for detail. Prices and Wages by Decade: Links to U. All data is for the United States unless specifically indicated. Introduction ss Toggle Dropdown Up through s Toggle Dropdown s Toggle Dropdown s Toggle Dropdown Wages, Wages for four common occupations in , by state The Census showed average wages for a farm hand, a day laborer and a carpenter all with and without board , and to a female domestic worker with board. This source also shows a complete list of all occupations in , with the number of workers reported in each occupation, by state and territory. Confederate Army wages Chart published in the Confederate States Almanac shows the monthly pay of officers and privates in the regular service of Confederate states. Breaks out pay for generals, colonels, lieutenants, majors, sergeants, captains, corporals, artificers, musicians, chaplains and privates. Union Army officer pay, Army pay tables begin with the highest officers listed first. Page forward to find colonels, majors, captains, lieutenants , etc. Raff not a government document. The book’s purpose was to help people apply to the U.
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Secretary of State William H. The czarist government of Russia, which had established a presence in Alaska in the midth century, first approached the United States about selling the territory during the administration of President James Buchanan , but negotiations were stalled by the outbreak of the Civil War. After , Seward, a supporter of territorial expansion, was eager to acquire the tremendous landmass of Alaska, an area roughly one-fifth the size of the rest of the United States. He had some difficulty, however, making the case for the purchase of Alaska before the Senate, which ratified the treaty by a margin of just one vote on April 9, Six months later, Alaska was formally handed over from Russia to the United States. Despite a slow start in U. But if you see something that doesn’t look right, click here to contact us! Although the number of votes cast exceeded the number of eligible voters in the territory, Kansas Governor European forces allied against Napoleonic France march triumphantly into Paris, formally ending a decade of French domination on the Continent. Napoleon, one of the greatest military strategists in history, seized control of the French state in , and in was crowned Following its ratification by the requisite three-fourths of the states, the 15th Amendment, granting African-American men the right to vote, is formally adopted into the U.
Thomas Edison dies
Alaska Purchase , , acquisition by the United States from Russia of , square miles 1,, square km of land at the northwestern tip of the North American continent, comprising the current U. Russia had offered to sell its North American territory to the United States on several occasions, but the outbreak of the American Civil War in led to the postponement of discussions. The cost and logistical difficulties of supplying the territory had made it an economic liability to the Russians, who were additionally struggling with debt accrued during the disastrous Crimean War — Though Russian interactions with the native Aleut people had been largely peaceful, the Tlingit tribes were more restive, leading to sporadic episodes of violence and the interruption of provisions. Seward, an advocate of U. The two statesmen began private discussions on March 11, ; Stoeckl remained coy about the sale until Seward expressed interest. On March 29, , Stoeckl and Seward completed the draft of a treaty ceding Russian North America to the United States, and the treaty was signed early the following day. The treaty was submitted to the Senate for consent on March 30, Early opponent Sen. It was passed on April 9. The United States officially took possession on October 18 in a flag-changing ceremony at Sitka. However, there was resistance to payment among members of the House, who were disinclined to support President Johnson, with whom they were unhappy over his dismissal of the Senate-appointed secretary of war in defiance of the Tenure of Office Act. The House entered articles of impeachment in February , but the attempt to oust him was unsuccessful. The necessary appropriations were ultimately passed on July 14, Extensive propaganda campaigns and judicious use of bribes by Stoeckl secured the required votes in each house of Congress. Alaska remained under U. Army control until June , after which it was governed briefly by the Treasury Department and then by various military authorities. Most Russians who had occupied the territory were not permanent residents and had returned to Russia following the sale. Those who remained were given the option of applying for U. A civil government was installed in May after the territory became a district. Alaska was accepted into the union as the 49th state on January 3, Alaska Purchase. Article Media. Info Print Cite. Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Alaska Purchase United States history.
Russia had established a presence in North America during mqke first half of the seventeenth century, but few Russians ever settled in Alaska. In the aftermath of the Crimean WarEmperor Alexander II americanns Russia began exploring monye possibility of selling Alaska, which would be difficult to defend from Britain and other countries in any future war. Following the end of the American Civil WarU. Seward and Stoeckl agreed to a treaty on March 30,and the treaty was ratified by the United States Senate by a wide margin despite clashes between President Johnson and Congress over Reconstruction. Reactions to the purchase in the United States were mostly positive, as many believed possession of Alaska would serve as a base to expand American trade in Asia. Some opponents labeled the purchase as » Seward’s Folly «, or «Seward’s Icebox», [2] as they contended that the United States had acquired useless land. Nearly all Russian settlers left Alaska in the aftermath of the purchase, and Alaska would remain sparsely populated until the Klondike Gold Rush began in Originally organized as the Department of Alaskathe area was renamed the District of Alaska and the Alaska Territory before becoming the modern Yow of Alaska in Russian America was settled by promyshlennikimerchants and fur trappers that expanded through Siberia.
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