This is a place for all art-related discussion! Comments or posts pertaining to this theme in any way will be removed. You are more than welcome to post links to images from your personal website, but any direct links that only serve the purpose of selling artwork will be removed. Do not submit artwork unless you intend to engage with the community. Posts that are simply just a link to your website or portfolio are no good. Thinly veiled attempts to direct traffic to your website by claiming you are looking for critiques on the design difital your site or similar requests will also be removed. Spend time engaging with the community. Aith you see this sub as simply a means for self promotion and marketing then you have completely missed the point of this subreddit. This is to verify that you are an active member of the community and not simply hunting for Instagram followers. Draw with us as we chat with special guests about art and life. Be sure to hashtag DAC on Twitter so we can show your art! Previous Episodes can be found here on Youtube. The soundtrack to each episode can be found here on Mixcloud. I’m a pretty amateur digital artist, so my art isn’t worth selling at the moment, but I’d hope maybe one day I could sell my artwork on the side in addition to my normal job.
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This is a place for all art-related discussion! Comments or posts pertaining to this theme in any way will be removed. You are more than welcome to post links to images from your personal website, but any direct links that only serve the purpose of selling artwork will be removed. Do not submit artwork unless you intend to engage with the community. Posts that are simply just a link to your website or portfolio are no good. Thinly veiled attempts to direct traffic to your website by claiming you are looking for critiques on the design of your site or similar requests will also be removed. Spend time engaging with the community. If you see this sub as simply a means for self promotion and marketing then you have completely missed the point of this subreddit. This is to verify that you are an active member of the community and not simply hunting for Instagram followers. Draw with us as we chat with special guests about art and life. Be sure to hashtag DAC on Twitter so we can show your art! Previous Episodes can be found here on Youtube. The soundtrack to each episode can be found here on Mixcloud. If I wanted to make some money off digital art, what would my first move be? For instance, say I wanted to be like those artists that post lewd pictures on patreon I recommend you create new accounts solely for this endeavor. If you do a rule34 comic youll get more attention than someone doing pinups. Once youve made some hentai post it around, e-hentai, reddit, tumblr etc. Make a name that people can remember and make sure that they can find more of your art, so put a visible name on the bottom. Now once youve made some comics and pinups and have a patreon put some behind a paywall. It has to be good enough that people are going to want to pay though. Now personally I dont pay for porn and get kinda annoyed when people get it taken down from exhentai, kennoarkkan for example got all of his mlwf afterhours stuff removed so that people couldnt see it for free. Unfortunately this also means less people are going to discover it in the first place.
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This is your only warning! If you’re asking a question, there’s a good chance that it has already been answered! Read the wiki and do a search before submitting. If you are unsure about whether a potential post is suitable, contact the moderators for guidance. Wiki Frequently Asked Questions. How can I make money as a freelance digital artist? Hello, I’m newly graduated and I really wanna know how I can make some money with my art. I’m thinking about creating YouTube channel, and maybe a patreon if the future if I get a small following, but what other ways are there? Can I sell my illustrations online? Right now I want to have freedom with my drawings and make money from them individually, and not be an employee who does one specific thing you know? Thanks in advance. I Think you will find it very difficult to make a living from your artwork. People in general do not appreciate the level of skill it takes to create anything artistic. Hence the term «starving artist». I am not saying that you cannot become successful, I am saying that it is going to be an up hill battle. A good place to start is creating a portfolio, listing your work on deviant art or similar sites Newgrounds. Be responsive to requests for commercial work. This is where you will be able to sell your skill set Be protective of your creations by watermarking and supplying only low res files until you are paid in full. I do NOT recommend freelance sites like upwork or freelancer, but you may make a few contacts there. If you do use such sites be aware there is a ton of low ball competition and there are clients there with the intent of stealng your work rare but it does happen. Your best approach is to start local and contact businesses directly; present what you can do for them logos brochures adverts etc. Expand from there outward. Be prepared to hear NO a million times before you hear a yes. Best of luck. Additionally please check out the Mike Monteiro links towards the bottom of the page. It will set you on a straight path. Other links there could be helpful as well. The problem is that they don’t appreciate the time it takes to do something high quality.
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Reddit has been selling ad space since The ads are clearly marked, and aside from being published on a blue background, they blend seamlessly into the rest of the website. The non-obnoxious ads—flash and auto-play ads are banned—have earned Reddit the right to be automatically whitelisted by the popular AdBlock extension for Google Chrome.
The company has shown it wants to increase advertising across the site, including more display and mobile ads, as well as more substantial sponsorships. Unfortunately for the website, selling advertisements poses two major problems. Zrt Reddit is built by and valued on the strength of its users, excessive advertising could lead cigital further censorship and drive community members to seek alternatives. In fact, on multiple occasions, user protests have occurred in the wake of attempts to institute changes that would pave the path to monetization.
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Reddit also makes money mske way a lot of popular websites do: by selling branded products. This purchase legitimized the app and it was available mqke the App Store until Reddit published and launched its own official app in April of With a community that is essential to its existence but also hesitant to change, it appears as though Reddit will need to replicate the type of out-of-the-box thinking agt resulted in Reddit Gold and certain products.
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