Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you sellnig start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or maks — no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Alissa Grosso has run the Etsy store Planet Alissa planetalissa. She makes videos about the items she’s selling on Etsy and elsewhere online on the Planet Alissa YouTube channel. You can find out more about Alissa and her books at alissagrosso. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Each week she shares her recent Etsy sales on her popular Planet Alissa YouTube channel and provides helpful how-to videos for sellibg online sellers. Now, in her first nonfiction book she gives readers practical advice on selling vintage items on Etsy.
Mixing Art and Business
Have you wondered whether selling on Etsy worth it as a spare-time sidegig? Thought of selling on Etsy, but suspected that making any money would take more work than you have time for? How can making beautiful things and then doing all the work to sell them be done in that little time? There are easy thing to sell on Etsy that require no artistic effort or talent whatsoever — in fact, they are among the best-selling products on Etsy: craft supplies, vintage items and party decor. Be aware that most online claims about earning money selling online gives you their pre-deductions revenue number, not the amount of profit the writer earned, because revenue makes better clickbait. Also be aware that we post updates about and photos of our Europe travels on Instagram and Facebook and would love it if you followed us! Selling online was only one small part of how we funded our family sabbatical. We saved up for five years straight. We started by selecting our best vacation savings account and then cutting our costs so that we could sock money away every month. The third and final piece of our career break financial strategy was me ramping up my longtime hobby selling vintage stuff online. So, what follows is a chronological narrative of my Etsy store journey with random tips thrown in as I think of them. I started selling vintage items online when I was in college. Truth be told I missed having an excuse to hoard vintage tchotckies. Wandering Family Man and I were setting up house and being the frugal folks we are, we were hitting the local garage and estate sale scene pretty hard, so it was easy to pick up vintage inventory. Etsy was gaining in popularity at the time — still is — and Etsy is much easier to use as a seller than Ebay, so I set up a bare-bones Etsy shop selling vintage clothing and decor. That was fine as a hobby, but it was hard to make much money. I was able to get inventory at low prices and vintage items, especially clothing, sell well on Etsy, but the time involved in getting the items sold was just too long.
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Selling vintage on Etsy is super different than selling handmade or supplies. I feel like most of the information out there is for these types of sellers so I wanted to talk a bit about some things that are specific to just vintage Etsy marketers! Today I am going break down four other areas of selling vintage, sourcing, margins, shipping and storage. Some of the things I have learned myself and some I found out from listening to the Scavenger Life podcast it is about Ebay, but is super relevant if you are selling vintage! This is a rule and selling items that are not that old is a violation of the Etsy terms of service. But vintage is different. It just depends on what you can find at the time you are looking. You may want to sell old vintage clothing, but not find much of that in your area if you live in suburbia. So one thing you can do as you are considering what to source is figure out what you have the most of… here is the list of my categories again, but with the number of items in my shop. It is really easy for me to find tools and home decor at the estate sales in Florida. Margins are a somewhat touchy subject so I will just tell you how I think and you can make the decision on your own! I like to try and get at least 10X the margin on items I sell. Another way to do it is to buy things that sell for more and then pay a bit more to acquire them. I use a spreadsheet to track my costs and sales amounts. I want to know which items I sell have the highest margins so that I can concentrate more on sourcing those kinds of things. In my shop the highest margins by percentage are silver plate items. For example, I had heard that selling games was a great money maker.
My Experience Selling Vintage on Etsy
After 12 years in the online market, Etsy has become the go-to platform for artists all over the world to sell their goods. What I love about Etsy is that it provides an easily accessible way to utilize your talents and start a side business at home. But how do you run an Etsy shop? How much time does it take? How much money can you make? To answer these questions, I interviewed 20 shop owners on their experiences. If you have ever wanted to open your own Etsy shop, or have a shop but want to make things better, read on to learn what it takes from real sellers! Thanks to all the great shop owners who took the time to share their knowledge! Check out links to their shops throughout the post! Etsy, an online marketplace where users can sell handmade and unique goods, vintage items, and crafting supplies. The marketplace has seen incredible growth over the past several years. It started , grew to 56, sellers by , and now has over 1.
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Have you ever knitted a scarf, made jewelry, or sewn clothes for your kids? Can you build a bench, take intriguing photos, or make a picture frame from scrap wood? Or do you have a mkney eye for vintage styles and know where to find them at a bargain? Tori started her Etsy shop when her second child was a baby, and says the flexibility it affords is a key requirement at this point in her life. It brings in a supplementary income and fulfills my creative urges. Or. According to a survey.
But make no mistake — selling handmade items on Etsy is a business, and a big one at. Successful sellers learn to balance the creative side of the process with bookkeeping, buying supplies, customer service, and marketing. So what should you sell? What about that fun embroidered hat you made that everyone raves about, or the stylish-but-practical coin purse you gave your friend? Sometimes, the right product just makes itself known. Another mkae is to resell vintage items.
If you have a tasteful eye for trends and enjoy spending weekends at flea markets, yard sales, and thrift shops, you could consider zelling underpriced retro items and reselling them on Etsy or. The most successful sellers offer something unique: They either put a new spin on a classic product, come up with an entirely new look or idea, or simply sell in a more customer-friendly way than others — with lower prices, a wider selection, or more striking photography, for instance.
That patronage may not be sustainable, but it can give your shop a valuable kickstart and some helpful positive feedback. Name your shop. Design a banner. You can start with something simple, but if you have a graphic designer friend, youu may be the time to call in a small favor.
Choose a profile picture. Etsy shoppers are on the site because they want to buy something unique from an individual person — not a generic plastic gizmo from Amazon or Wal-Mart. So show them who that person is. Set up your profile page. Tell customers who you are, what you make, and why sepling where and how you do it. Fill out your shop makd, including returns and exchanges and shipping fees.
Signing up as a seller is free, but it costs 20 cents to list an item for four months or until it sells, whichever comes. Etsy also collects 3. When creating a title for your item, consider what keywords a buyer would search for when looking for your product or something like it. This includes physical descriptions of the item itself — e.
Remember to tag items with keywords, as well as alternative search terms used in other parts of the country or world. For example, what one person calls a teapot someone else may call a kettle.
One of the biggest factors in driving sales is attractive photography. For years, Etsy has offered free photography workshops online and at its Brooklyn, N. So your photos have to show all of those things. Many successful crafters establish their own visual style that permeates everything from their listing photography to their logo, banners, and the products themselves. You need to photograph it, write up a description, and list it for sale. But you also have to consider customer service, packaging, shipping, and restocking.
All of this factors into your pricing. When trying to set a price for an item, consider noney cost of all the materials you need to make it. Include other expenses, too, like shipping supplies, equipment, even the electricity to run the space heater in your garage workshop.
Then, add in your labor costs — what you should be earning per hour. Finally, add a degree of retail markup — your desired profit plus a bit of wiggle room for seasonal sales or promotions. But as I established a reputation, I began selling higher-priced items and custom orders for sets of things. Of course, there are other places to sell crafts.
Some sellers set up booths at craft shows, farmers markets, concerts, and holiday fairs to sell their goods and bring their brand to vinatge new audience. When you display your work at a fair or show, concentrate just as hard on branding. This means earnings can vary drastically — from nothing at all to a respectable full-time salary.
Jessi VanGundy echoes that sentiment, though she hopes to earn enough to be a full-time potter before long.
Entrepreneurship Making Money Small Business. What to Sell? Listing an Item Signing up as a seller is free, but it costs 20 cents to list an item for four months or until it sells, whichever comes. Photography One of the biggest factors in driving sales is attractive photography. Loading Disqus Comments Featured on:.
Top 10 Vintage products to sell on etsy
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