GOBankingRates Maldives desperate for funds as ghe risk going under The tropical Maldives may lose entire islands unless it can quickly access cheap financing to fight the impact of climate change, its foreign minister said. Lauren Anthony reports. National security and warfare are big business. The U. In its latest annual report, Top Arms-Producing and Military Services Companies, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI estimated arms sales for companies around the world using financial documents and reports of sales to national ministries and departments of defense. Because these companies — in many cases even foreign arms makers — sell primarily to the U. Department of Defense, sales patterns are closely linked to budgetary decisions in the U. The Budget Control Act, for example, comlanies in a dip in global military spending. According to Fleurant, shifting budget priorities, which often change dramatically after an election or economic event, add a level of uncertainty that is especially challenging for the defense industry. Not only are fighter jets, submarines, and highly destructive weapons available only to governments and armed forces, but also these defense products often require decades to design, assemble, and test. The great length of procurement cycles, tye of product capabilities, limited access to defense markets, as well govvernment the risk of sudden budgetary changes mean defense companies are under enormous pressure to find deals among the already very limited pool of customers. According to Fleurant, the level of orf and these makin are currently higher than usual. She highlighted relatively small export markets as major targets of companies looking to make up lower revenues. According to a recent report by the Congressional Research Service, developing nations continue to be the main focus of arms sales.
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By Samuel Stebbins and Michael B. Sauter March 21, pm Last updated: January 12, am. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the U. Through its various agencies and departments, the federal government has millions of contractual obligations with private companies, both domestic and foreign. The companies and organizations benefiting from federal dollars run the gamut from drug makers to universities and research companies. Those benefiting the most, however, are almost exclusively health care providers and defense contractors — many of which claim the U. In addition to defense contractors, health insurance companies make up a considerable portion of this list. As the single largest employer in the country, the federal government provides jobs with benefits to millions of people, not including the many veterans and their families for whom the government is obligated to provide insurance. Companies were based on total payments received from U. Data on individual contracts also came from the Federal Procurement System. Click here to see the 30 companies getting the most from the government. Read more: Special Report , Array. Free Daily Newsletter. Symbol Lookup.
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Global military spending was down in for the first time since And for the second year in a row, arms sales from private industry to governments were down as well last year. Despite the decline in military spending, the business of war remains a good one. The withdrawal of U. Austerity also contributed to cuts in military spending. Belt-tightening in Europe also had an impact on arms sales. While U. Companies reacted differently to the sales downturn. L-3 Communications spun off part of its business in to limit exposure to declining government military spending. Faced with possible tough times, some companies have engaged in corrupt practices. However, according to Perlo-Freeman, this is nothing new. Arms sales have remained concentrated among the same small number of companies for more than a decade. The top 10 companies have largely remained in place because industry consolidation in the s made them dominant players, even through fluctuations in government military spending. Arms sales, including advisory, planes, vehicles and weapons, were defined by sales to military customers, as well as contracts to government militaries. Like many of its defense-sector competitors, Virginia-based General Dynamics Corp. In its most recent year, the company reported a Army is major customer. The company, which traces its history back to , assisted the United States in multiple wars, as well as the Apollo 11 moon landing.
19. Naval Group
There was a 1. Though it is yet unclear what the growing arms investments will mean for international relations, major defense contractors around the world stand to benefit. Notably, Russia, one of the countries with the fastest growing militaries over the last decade, became the second largest arms-producing country, overtaking the United Kingdom for the first time since The company drew public scrutiny after a bomb it sold to Saudi Arabia was dropped on a school bus in Yemen, killing 40 boys and 11 adults. Companies were ranked based on arms sale revenue. Chinese companies were not considered due to lack of sufficient data. Profits and total sales came from fiscal year annual financial disclosures filed with the U.
20. Textron
Our new visualization presents the top companies to make the cut inincluding where the companies are located and which industries they thr.
The information for this visualization comes from the Fortune list of Global companies, as ranked by revenue see the full methodology. We illustrated the top of these companies in the chart above, with each octagon representing one company. In addition, each company is outlined in a color that represents its industry sector, such as energy, food and retail, and technology. Walmart — U. Exxon Mobil — U. Decreases in national corporate taxes have been noted as a reason for higher revenues makjng U.
Earlier this year, analysts also predicted that even though U. In addition, tariffs are having an impact on companies in the U. Some new international tariffs such as the French digital services tax will not only affect company profits, especially in Silicon Valley, but they will also affect revenue. Big companies will be keeping a close eye on these policy developments to see how they will affect their bottom lines. Did any of the companies on this list surprise you? Please let us know what you think in the mmost.
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Send requests to: permissions howmuch. Want to use our visualization online, including on open publications like blogs, news companiees, etc.? Contact us. Indoor Companiees Professional Services. There are 17 countries represented in the top companies. Top 10 Most Valuable Companies by Revenue 1. About the article Published: 21 August Authors. Raul Editor. How to republish our content?
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Companies can make a lot of money selling weapons to the government, and those companies can in turn fund candidates friendly to their business model. SIPRI figured out how much revenue each company derives from manufacturing and selling weapons—think military airplanes, tanks, drones, missiles, guns. For each company we provided its logo, along with the flag showing the country where the company is headquartered. Then we made a bar graph showing the annual revenue earned from military sales. You can easily see how making and selling weapons is big business. Our graph quickly reveals two key msot of the military-industrial complex. First off, making military airplanes and equipment is a multi-billion-dollar industry dominated by a handful of players. The other interesting trend in our visualization is how American companies dominate the industry. An additional 2 companies are from the U. Another important takeaway is that every company on the list comes from the Western, developed world. Ultimately, that means any active war zone around the globe has been almost undoubtedly made possible by Western companies. What is the big takeaway from our visualization? The countries included in our visual have foreign policies committed to international institutions, the rule of law, and peacemaking efforts except perhaps Russia. Large segments of the economies of developed nations especially in the U. Select the way you want to use our Visualization. Thanks for your interest mots purchasing a mkney poster of this visualization. These will be for sale soon. We will email you when we’re ready, just drop your address in the box.
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