Working for the Order of Souls can be hard because you have to kill a lot of skeletons. But, it can be quite lucrative and has some of the best, coolest looking gear. If you want to make it with Sea of Thieves goth faction then we’ve got a complete Order of Souls guide to help you maximise gold and get all those lovely outfits. Tips on making money in sea of thieves 2020 best way to level up your Order of Souls reputation is simple: do Voyages for the Order of Souls. Your Voyage should begin at your nearest outpost the civilized islands where you typically begin your Sea of Thieves session. Look for the Order of Souls banner, a stylized white eye on a purple background, and you’ll find one of their representatives nearby. Pick up a Voyage — the first crop are free — head to your boat, lay it on the captain’s table, vote for it, and then find the island listed on your bounty warrant on the ship’s map. Once you make your way to the island, use your spyglass to determine where the skeletons are gathered listen for their raspy groans if you need to search on foot. You must clear out several waves of skeletons before their captain — your true target, and a mightier foe — appears.
1. Sailing a ship is harder than it looks
Gold is everything in Sea of Thieves , as you’re going to be earning gold from every single voyage you go on, whenever you return to an outpost to cash in your chests. In this Sea of This gold guide , we’ll be walking you through the best ways of how to earn gold quickly in Sea of Thieves , on top of highlighting the various ways in which you can spend your hard earned cash. If you need anything else on Sea of Thieves, including how to set sail on your maiden voyage in your own pirate ship, as well as how to choose whether you want to play online with other people or not, head over to our complete Sea of Thieves guides walkthrough hub. Your primary way of earning gold in Sea of Thieves is to undertake any voyage presented to you by any of the three factions when you start the game at an outpost on the map. The three factions are the Merchant Alliance, the Order of Souls, and the Gold Hoarders, and as the name probably suggests, the Gold Hoarder faction generally offers more money as a reward for completing voyages than the other two do. You can always find the Gold Hoarder faction in a dark purple tent on an outpost, and although you might have to search around a bit since the outposts in Sea of Thieves are all randomly generated, you’ll always want to keep an eye out for their signature tent. Once you’ve found the Gold Hoarder vendor, select the option to view their voyages, and you can choose up to three voyages to have in your inventory at once. With your three Gold Hoarder voyages on hand, head to your ship and set sail immediately, making sure to piece together the clues given to you as to where the treasure lies. Keep in mind that you’ll always be hunting treasure chests with Gold Hoarder voyages, be it through a complex riddle, or a mysterious map given to you once you’ve activated the voyage. It’s worth remembering that to cut down on the time it takes you to complete a voyage for the Gold Hoarders, you should aim to complete all three voyages for the faction while you’re out on the high seas, before returning to an outpost with all three treasure chests stashed away safely on your ship. Not returning to an outpost after you’ve collected a treasure chest significantly increases the amount of gold you can earn with minimal time taken, and as such you should generally aim to complete at least two or three voyages before returning to port to cash in your chests. Although this tactic is somewhat risky, as you’ve got to make sure you’re not attacked by an enemy crew who want to steal your treasure chests, it is the most rewarding. No matter if you’re carrying zero, one, or three treasure chests on your ship in Sea of Thieves at any one time, you’ve always got to make sure you’re on your guard against attacking ships. If your ship is sunk, you’ll instantly lose all the treasure chests that you’ve accumulated so far, so you’ve always got to have an eye on the horizon. Once you’re back in port, simply carry over all the treasure chests on your ship to the Gold Hoarder merchant in their tent, and you can cash them in to both earn yourself a tidy sum of gold, as well as increasing your standing with the faction. If you increase your standing to a higher rank with the Gold Hoarders, they’ll trust you to take on more challenging voyages, which can reward you with even more money. This skeleton fort, if you and your crew can fight your way through the hordes of undead lurking within, will reward you with at least 4, gold for your efforts. The risk is entirely yours to take. As for what you want to be spending your hard earned money on in Sea of Thieves, you’ll want to head to any of the shops located on an outpost. You can either head to the weapons merchant to buy yourself a decorative sniper rifle or pistol, or you can go over to the merchant who deals in clothing outfits, where you can purchase anything from new coats and boots to brand new hats and eyepatches for your pirate. But the biggest thing you’re going to want to be saving up for in Sea of Thieves is ship upgrades. While you should head over to our Sea of Thieves ship upgrades guide for all the information you need on these purchased, we will say that they can cost as much as , gold, meaning you’ll have to start saving pretty early on if you want to afford a nice new pair of sails for you ship, or a brand new hull.
How to grind Order of Souls reputation
Gold is everything in Sea of Thievesas you’re going to be earning gold from every single voyage you go on, whenever you return to an outpost to cash in your chests. In this Sea of This gold guidewe’ll be walking you through the best ways of how to earn gold quickly in Sea of Thieveson top of highlighting the various ways in which you can spend your hard earned cash. If you need anything else on Sea of Thieves, including how to set sail on your maiden voyage in your own pirate ship, as well as how to choose whether you want to play online with other people or not, head over to our complete Sea of Thieves guides walkthrough hub.
Your primary way of earning gold in Sea of Thieves is to undertake any voyage presented to you by any of the three factions when you start the game at an outpost on the map. The three factions are the Merchant Alliance, the Order of Souls, and the Gold Hoarders, and as the name probably suggests, the Gold Hoarder faction generally offers more money as a reward for completing voyages than the other two.
You can always find the Gold Hoarder faction in a dark purple tent on an outpost, and although you might have to search around a bit since the outposts in Sea of Thieves are all randomly generated, you’ll always want to keep an eye out for their signature tent.
Once you’ve found the Gold Hoarder vendor, select the option to view their voyages, and you can choose up to three voyages to have in your inventory at. With your three Gold Hoarder voyages on hand, head to your ship and set sail immediately, making sure to piece together the clues given to you as to where the treasure lies.
Keep in mind that you’ll always be hunting treasure chests with Gold Hoarder voyages, be it through a complex riddle, or a mysterious map given to you once you’ve activated the voyage. It’s worth remembering that to cut down on the time it takes you to complete a voyage for the Gold Hoarders, you should aim to complete all three voyages for the faction while you’re out on the high seas, before returning to an outpost with all three treasure chests stashed away safely on your ship.
Not returning to an outpost after you’ve collected a treasure chest significantly increases the amount of gold you can earn with minimal time taken, and as such you should generally aim to complete at least two or three voyages before returning to port to cash in your chests. Although this tactic is somewhat risky, as you’ve got to make sure you’re not attacked by an enemy crew who want to steal your treasure chests, it is the most rewarding. No matter if you’re carrying zero, one, or three treasure chests on your ship in Sea of Thieves at any one time, you’ve always got to make sure you’re on your guard against attacking ships.
If your ship is sunk, you’ll instantly lose all the treasure chests that you’ve accumulated so far, so you’ve always got to have an eye on the horizon. Once you’re back in port, simply carry over all the treasure chests on your ship to the Gold Hoarder merchant in their tent, and you can cash them in to both earn yourself a tidy sum of gold, as well as increasing your standing with the faction. If you increase your standing to a higher rank with the Gold Hoarders, they’ll trust you to take on more challenging voyages, which can reward you with even more money.
This skeleton fort, if you and your crew can fight your way through the hordes of undead lurking within, will reward you with at least 4, gold for your efforts. The risk is entirely yours to. As for what you want to be spending your hard earned money on in Sea of Thieves, you’ll want to head to any of the shops located on an outpost.
You can either head to the weapons merchant to buy yourself a decorative sniper rifle or pistol, or you can go over to the merchant who deals in clothing outfits, where you can purchase anything from new coats and boots to brand new hats and eyepatches for your pirate. But the biggest thing you’re going to want to be saving up for in Sea of Thieves is ship upgrades. While you should head over to our Sea of Thieves ship upgrades guide for all the information you need on these purchased, we will say that they can cost as much asgold, meaning you’ll have to start saving pretty early on if you want to afford a nice new pair of sails for you ship, or a brand new hull.
We might be all done with our Sea of Thieves gold guide, but why not continue ahead to our Sea of Thieves Kraken guidewhere we’ll reveal how to take down the fabled monster, or our full Sea of Thieves pirate ship guide. Hirun Cryer is by far the most juvenile member of USgamer. He’s so juvenile, that this is his first full-time job in the industry, unlike literally every other person featured on this page.
He’s written for The Guardian, Paste Magazine, and Kotaku, and he likes waking up when the sun rises and roaming the nearby woods with the bears and the wolves.
We’re still training ourselves to prepare for the digital Tenkaichi Budokai. More than 76 million households have watched the new show starring Henry Cavill. Or at least some of it. Sea of Thieves Gold Guide Your primary way of earning gold in Sea of Thieves is to undertake any voyage presented to you by any of the three factions when you start the game at an outpost on the map.
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Sea of Thieves Gold Guide
Still regretting that last cooked Splashtail? Play Sea of Thieves between January 15th and 22nd to score some special in-game tips on making money in sea of thieves 2020 We’re back with another Spotlight, heading out to explore islands while learning more about RitchieSH! The latest free update sees pirates delivering gifts and getting an all-new intro to the game! Our final Community Spotlight of the year shines on artist and player of pie-shaped instruments, Libby! Do you smell burning? The most recent monthly update brings fire, new Voyages makung a full Tall Tale Today’s spotlight shines on Nina, proudly donning the title of Boatswain for her positive contributions to the community! Take to the Sea of Thieves now to secure some eye-catching Twitch Prime loot! Swinging the spotlight onto another Sea of Thieves streamer — this time, meet lore fan Hitbotc! For Fort’s sake! A stat-packed look at how the community lit up October’s monthly update. An inside look at the process of creating the official and free Sea of Thieves: Origins comics series! Popular comic artist Mike features in this Spotlight, telling us all the thiebes stuff about Skeleton Crew! A long shadow falls on the Sea of Thieves — get some insights into October’s monthly update
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