It was frustrating. She could set up your invoicing system in less than an hour, and then it would take her 5 minutes to send an invoice for you. The first week I hired my assistant to help me with my emails and work, I went on a day trip to a surf break in California and surfed for 3 hours and took a nap. And you can either walk across and get blown up or you can hire somebody who knows how to walk across and not get blown up. Fuck teaching yourself how to do everything —use your time, energy and creativity to do the things you jard and are strong at. I now pay a service to drop of my lunch and dinner on my doorstep so that I am nourished, healthy and happy no matter how busy my days are.
Unit 102- Part B
There have been a number of data points recently that have caught me off guard. I understand if you are retired, a student, handicapped, doing heavy manual labor, or under-employed how you might not work 40 hours a week. Working 40 hours a week or less is fantastic if you are happy with your income and career, not bored out of your mind, and can get away with it. Unfortunately, I am neither skilled enough to do what I want with that little amount of time, nor do I have the courage to work so little for what I am being compensated for. I think I would probably get fired if I worked that little. Besides, I have at least 60 hours of work energy in me a week at the age of Might as well utilize it before it fades, because I used to have 80 hours of work energy in my 20s! Data point 1: Two women on the bus were chatting next to me and explaining what a long day at work they had. I got in an hour early at am and am absolutely exhausted! Sign me up! In equities banking, we lowly analyst had to get in at am to run errands and print out research for our traders, and then stay until at least pm! Data point 3: My friend in HR said her firm is implementing overtime compensation for certain level of workers who work more than 40 hours a week. She giggled and shrugged. If I am the CEO, and you command overtime compensation for working more than 40 hours a week, I will do my best to refer you to my competitor to blow them up. In other words, he took a vacation from his vacation.
Account Options
Not until you step up and do what you need to do to change the way your finances look. Sometimes that means you need to work more Sometimes that means you need to find the money to invest in a mentor Sometimes that means you need to sleep a whole lot less. The more you talk about how broke you are, the longer you will stay broke. Track how much money you made the day before, where the money came from, as well as how much you spent, and what you spent the money on. Sell something. Engage and build relationships. With everyone. You never know who might know someone that could use your services. But most importantly, stop complaining about being broke and do something to make more money. Get the help you need, even if it means taking out another mortgage or borrowing money from your parents yeah, I went there. You are here for a reason.
Unit 102- Part A
Dear Polly. I put in my 40 hours every week, and I still come out way, way behind schedule on. I feel guilty for getting eight hours of sleep every night. I feel guilty when I have sex, or go to therapy, or exercise, or take a long hot shower. Am I really committed and working hard if I do things other than work? I obviously need to take care of myself, but I really, really need to be doing work and everything else feels like self-sabotage. My incredible, supportive partner and I have been talking about the possibility of me finding a job that is more part time so that I can be more balanced and maybe even take on more schoolwork to get through undergrad faster. I dropped out of high school because I was too depressed to function. I have dropped every sport, craft, and friendship once it got complicated enough to require real work from me. I am so tired of quitting. I get the vibe that some of the people in my life teachers, co-workers, friends think I might be a little silly for aspiring to be a lawyer.
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