I didn’t start with much, but I had a few things going for me. For one, I was desperate, and desperation makes people try strange things to make a buck. Also, I’m not afraid of using tools. To install, uninstall, repair and freshen up appliances, you really don’t need much more than a screwdriver, some vice grips and a sponge, and that’s about all I. Another nice thing was that I had a truck. While not really essential, it did allow for me to take on some more daring purchases and raised the bar on the amount of crap I could haul around at a time. That being said, I still hustle appliances here and there and no longer have a truck. It turns out, the hatchback Mazda 3 can fit dishwashers, ovens and even a washer or dryer without too much hassle. Keep in mind, you’re buying used things.
I Decided To Give It A Try
This post may contain affiliate links or links from our sponsors. Read our disclosure policy here. Whether you are upgrading or recently moved into a new house there are plenty of ways to sell your used appliances for cash. In fact, some people make great side income , or even a full-time job by buying and selling at trade shows, flea markets, and online. Keep reading to learn about all the other places who buy used appliances near you, and how to create epic listings that sell your items quickly. Here are the top 9 places to start selling your used appliances. The ones at towards the top of this list will generate more cash for a little more work. As you move your way down, the effort becomes easier and the sale amount usually is smaller. This is a great way to let your friends and connections know that you are selling your appliances. The main benefit of using Facebook Marketplace over Craigslist is the trust factor. Plus, Facebook Marketplace makes it easy to share your free listing with others.
I Decided To Give It A Try
This post may contain affiliate links. If you have a heartbeat and a capable vehicle, you can make money flipping appliances on Craigslist. The challenge of trying to make money on something or upgrade an item for free is a lot of fun for me. Back inwe found out that my wife was pregnant with our second child.
After our son was born, we had some mae family issues to deal with that required me to take time off from my job. While I was on leave, we were surviving but just scraping by financially.
I knew I needed to find some kind of side hustle to make some extra cash every month. This guy makes a full-time living buying and selling old appliances on Craigslist. Yep — full time. Basically, he buys the machines, cleans and repairs them as necessary, and then resells them for a profit. I was blown away! I knew that it was possible appoiances make some cash flipping large-ticket items…but full time?
At that time, Ryan ran a paid membership site dedicated to appliance resellers. Since he has a family of 7 to support, and has been making his living this way for several years, I decided to try it out and joined that day.
Quick note: Ryan has recently released a full-fledged training program for people interested in getting into reselling appliances. Click here monwy check out the Tradeskills training course. Because we had limited space at the time, I made a deal with fpipping in-laws to rent some dry garage space from them to store my appliance inventory while I cleaned and repaired the machines.
Often, the repair is something super-easy like a washing machine lid switch, or a heating element or thermal fuse in a dryer. Over time, I started to keep a small stock of the parts that commonly failed to I could do quick repairs and sell the machines fast. Of course before I could sell anything, I had to buy up some appliances. I aappliances out my first day and bought 3 appliances from one person. I was hooked. This was my goal for minimum profit on each sale after I covered gas and parts.
The key to making money is this — know how much an item will likely sell for before you buy it. First, you can ask the customer to trade in their old appliance when you sell them a refurbished machine. This can keep a steady stock of machines that need repair. Second, check Craigslist for free appliances daily.
Easier to get a new set I guess. Their loss can be your gain, but be quick! These deals get snatched up fast.
The course I purchased taught me how to do basic appliance repair. That site offers some great tutorials on how to do common appliance repairs.
When I got an appliance back to my shop, the first thing I would do is test it. If it worked, I would give it a thorough cleaning and a new coat of white paint of necessary. Machines were usually listed for sale monye two hours of me buying. This can be really tricky or really simple, depending on flippiny you do it.
There is a lot more money to be made in appliances that you repair for resale than there is in functioning units. You can then order the part through appliaces or you can usually enter the part number into Amazon and find it a little cheaper.
Selling can be a challenge. There are a few steps you can take to ensure that you only get buyers who are serious and willing to pay your asking price.
Here are a few tips. This was with a part-time effort that amounted to about 20 hours per week. I stuck exclusively to appliances and this helped me make more money as I quickly got to know the going rates for different machines and knew how much to buy them for to make a profit.
I like appliances for the reasons I mentioned above, but you can make money on most things if you know the market better than most people. Want to get on the fast track to making money selling appliances? Head over to Tradeskills. Great side hustle. Well. Kudos to you for making it work. Thanks Chris! Whirlpool machines aka Kenmore, Kitchenaid, Roper. I would still applixnces doing this today if we had not bought a place without a garage. Keep it up. Do you know anybody in Rochester Maake that buy appliance?
Having bought a used appliandes and dryer set to use for a year I can certainly see the huge markup that can be. Wow, this is great as I love any way to make an extra buck! Tucking away this nugget as a possible future idea, maybe if I get a garage and a trailer. Not sure I could even manage a washing machine on a dolly…. When I delivered machines I just brought them to the driveway. I rarely dollied them indoors or up stairs on my. When I did I insisted that there be somebody there to help me.
All that aside, there are tons of things you can sell and make good money. Musical instruments, tools, electronics, furniture. Appliwnces is key! Super cool. My wife has such a good eye for value, we buy things from Craigslist all the time, use them for years, and then re sell for.
This is genius. Thabks for the great article! Thanks for reading! Appliances are easy to sell! The older appliances are getting harder and harder to find nowadays. Not easy to learn to work on and just as you think you have it figured out….
Cool, last time I changed this part…. Oh wait…. I do repaint every set but not with a can of spray paint. The best advice I can give you is…. NEVER pay for any online appliance school. Just go to Youtube and you can find anything you want to know. First off, congrats on building such a successful business. Regarding the online school comment, I completely disagree. All of the money I made was thanks to make money flipping appliances course I invested in. I learned how to do most of the repairs I needed through the course.
For me, it was money well spent. Good on ya. Hi again Mike. Times have changed since you were selling. Very few old sets left which makes the online courses a huge rip off in this day and age. A person can watch the Youtube videos and figure out a lot of things about the new washers but there are some things that you can only figure out if you work on them every day of the week, like my guy does. As for your guy Ryan, he and I have had our words and he finally admitted that he DID in fact rip me off for his course….
Buy a few, test them to see what they are or are not doing and then figure out what the problem is. I try to make every 10 days consistently for years. Mmoney a record of peak days and hours on an app. Hi Mike: Great informative article. I actively sell on Craigslist and Marketplace but have never sold appliances. We are remodeling out kitchen so I am selling all of our used appliances. How does one know how to price them? Any tips? Is there a Blue Book free? Care to share?
Recycling Appliances for $1000 A Day — THE HANDYMAN —
How I Got Started Flipping Appliances On Craigslist
Enter your mobile number or email address below and we’ll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer — no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? A step-by-step guide that teaches you the the secrets, tips, and techniques you need to know to buy, fix and resell used washers and dryers on Craigslist. You’ll learn everything you need to know to quickly build a profitable business on a shoestring budget. This guide covers it all, and makes it easy for you to your appliance re-sale business. Put this plan into action and you can start generating income immediately. I have personally used these methods myself over the last three years to earn extra income for getting out of debt and putting my kids through higher education. Among other things, in this book you will learn How I got started What you will need to be successful in this make money flipping appliances What kind of washers and dryers to buy and sell, which models to stay away from Links to online video for all the repairs you may need to make to your washers and dryers that you’ll be flipping How to generate bonus cash by selling used parts on ebay and selling the scrap metal to local recyclers Running your «buy» and «sell» ads on Craigslist This ebook contains links to online youtube instructional videos. Read more Read. Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Craigslist Hustle. Not Enabled. Customer reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right. Please try again later.
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