Either for extra money through a part-time gig or as a full-time online job, it is possible to earn money online from Nigeria. Making money online is just like the offline world. Yes, there are advantages with working online but you would need skills, proper planning, and good execution. Before everything else, it is very important to have something to offer the world, in the form of marketable skills. You can either inn new skills or improve on the marketable talents you already. There are dozens of credible websites where you can learn online. Some are free, others are premium. Aside from the goofy clips, there are millions of extremely useful tutorial videos on YouTube, created by companies and individuals, that are eager to share skills with you. All the video tutorials are completely free-of-charge. You only need a good internet connection and a gow how to make illegal money in nigeria searching, to find the best tutorials.
Business is anything an individual does as his or her regular occupation, profession or trade. While we have myriads of generally accepted businesses in the world today, a lot of people still chose to make criminal activities their means of livelihood. As the population of the world continues to increase, without a proportionate decrease in resources, human beings have continued to seek a means of survival and livelihood through the good, the bad and the ugly. We are going to look at 10 of the most illegal but lucrative businesses in the world people currently engage themselves in to make a living. Most of the times, smuggling involves the movement of contraband goods out of or into a country. It is a business that has been existing from time immemorial. While talking about smuggling as an illegal business, our focus is not mainly on those who smuggle legal goods just with the aim of evading tax and duties, but on those who smuggle illegal or contraband goods and services. Most of the times, these illegal goods are packaged in containers of legal goods, or hidden in loads of accepted goods and transported to desired destinations. Unrecorded oil sales coming out of Saudi Arabia, Russia, Nigeria, Angola, and Iraq are estimated to be about , barrels a day, or million barrels a year. Shell last year estimated that as much as , barrels of oil are smuggled out of Nigeria each day. This is one of the illegal and dirty businesses in the world today. However dirty and illegal, pornography is more lucrative than many decent businesses. While some of the porn stars engage in the acts willingly, some others are victims of human trafficking who were smuggled from far away countries to engage in such unpleasant activities for money on behalf of their traffickers. Pornography accounts for the high increase of immorality and sexual abuse prevalent in our modern-day society. However, the brains behind this illegal business are making fortunes out of it and are expanding their horizons by the day both with and without the consent of the artists — whichever way works better for them. This ranges from activities done via computers, phones, to Automated Teller Machines. Hackers are just like thieves, spies and secret agents on the internet just the way we have them in real life. They steal your information and then exploit this information through illegal ways. They sell your important personal data on the internet to others. Also, by cloning debit cards and boosting the withdrawal limits, hackers are able to simply withdraw huge amounts of money from the bank. This type of illegal business in on the increase and more people are falling victim as the days go by. Another aspect of internet crime is the one that involves monetary fraud and duping via the internet. This particular illegal business is one that a lot of us know. It goes by several local names depending on the part of the world where you find yourself. Prostitution is prevalent in almost all states of the world and rarely has laws seriously enforced against it. In this situation, persons, mostly ladies give out sex for money. Those who have made it a full-time profession live in hotels, chalets or brothels as the case may be. Some victims of human trafficking are sometimes confined to places where they are used for commercial sex which also amounts to prostitution.
You risk getting ripped off and possibly participating in criminal activity.
Do you ever watch a movie about a guy pulling a fast one and walking away with millions? Or maybe you see a news story about a guy holding up a jewelry store and making off with bags of diamonds. While both of these examples are ways to make money illegally, they both allow us to fantasize what it would be like to make that kind of money in a short amount of time. Still, it would be fun to fantasize so I came up with this list of 15 ways to make money illegally. Please note that the ideas listed below are for entertainment purposes only and you should not, under any circumstance, actually consider trying any of these out. But if you are here because you really have considered these ways to make money, stick through to the end. After you steal the money, you need to launder it so that it cannot be traced back to you, which carries with it a whole new set of risks. Same idea as above, but odds are you are going to have to rob a handful of stores to make anything worth the effort. Most stores now only keep a small amount of cash on hand and you also run the risk of trying to rob from a store that has a worker with a shotgun! Odds are they will get a picture of your car, your license plate, your tattoo, or something that will make it easier to find you. The higher up the drug food chain you are, the more money you stand to make. If you want to get off to the right foot, consider this: move to a state that legalized marijuana. You will increase your odds of success greatly by going this route as opposed to just finding a supplier for you. While it sounds fun to combine money making with sports, if you lose you could be out a ton of money. If you can become good at card counting , you could hit the tables and make some decent money. The problem with this option though is that most casinos are great at catching card counters since there is a routine to how they play and bet. With that said, if you want to read a fascinating true story of a guy that took down Atlantic City, check out this story. Finally, here is a better option than card counting. But all you need to do is set up a new email account and before you know it, you are back in business. For example, most store employees are not allowed to chase you once you leave the store. This is mostly due to trying to protect their employees from injury and protect the company from a lawsuit. You still have to sneak your stolen goods out of the store. You still have to hide your appearance as best you can from the cameras in the store. And you have to hide your car and other identifying information from the cameras outside the store too.
Illegal But Lucrative Businesses In The World
Nigeria is the perfect example of an emerging economy. According to Bloomberg, the drop was a result of a depreciation in oil prices and a shortened oil extraction due to illegal attacks on oil facility infrastructures. In turn, moneyy surge in the Naira NGN exchange rate transpired, while inflation respectively claimed presence to its highest. The Nigerian market has since shown positive signs of continuous expansion over the past 2-years; be it the transportation, communications, government service, financial, mone, entertainment, manufacturing or technology sector.
But, more particularly when it comes to financial and technological disruptions. With the world entering illegql third industrial revolution, digital currencies have been taken by the likes of many emerging markets that see the true value cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can bring.
But, there is a lack of banking integration and credit card penetration in the West African market. In turn, options to buy or sell BitcoinEthereum, Tether, Ripple, Litecoin, Dash and Bitcoin Cash using local payment methods are maek with P2P markets only supporting BTC, wallets charging high conversion fees and cryptocurrency exchanges ,ake exorbitant how to make illegal money in nigeria fees on crypto trading pairs. Not to mention, remittance has also become an unreliable source of sending and receiving money due to high cross-border charges in making international nigerria currency transfers.
So, how are cryptocurrency users in emerging markets, like Nigeria, expected to make money off digital currency when faced with the unresolved matters of scaling? The value of cryptocurrencies is mony volatile.
By joining an affiliate program with a cryptocurrency exchange and promoting its listed products, you can make a quick buck in commission. Generally, after signing up, affiliates will receive a link with a unique tracking ID attached to it. In return, the affiliate will receive a percentage commission. If the mkae is in cryptocurrency, the affiliate can still make money by converting it to Naira.
However, all affiliate programs are different; with each cryptocurrency platform holding exclusive nigeeria and conditions to their affiliate programs.
Their cryptocurrency wallet supports Bitcoin and over 40 altcoins, including ERC coins; which increases the possibility of users clicking on the referral link as it caters for the most popular coins in the cryptocurrency market. Building a cryptocurrency-related project can be a tricky process.
Generally, you would need to run an ICO which can create hard forks, build a decentralised app DAppreceive bounties and help illehal cryptocurrency community. Some wealthy enthusiasts prefer the easy route of becoming an investor in a cryptocurrency company or buying stocks.
While others make money from a cryptocurrency company by simply working for one. Becoming a Cryptocurrency Trade Vendor is the most convenient way to do so. Here, users receive full control over creating buy and sell offers to maximise earnings, managing incoming orders and exporting order details for tax returns. Cryptocurrency adoption is soaring in Nigeria and the best way to make money in cryptocurrency is by trading digital currencies.
For traders already familiar to Forexit will be little to moneg adjustment migrating to cryptocurrency trading. Traditionally, trading requires a broker to execute your trade; a broker that adds commission fees for the execution. The best part about cryptocurrency is that it is decentralised. In addition to this, you have unlimited access to making money as you can buy and sell cryptocurrency without hitting a day trader ih.
Of course, the more trading pairs a cryptocurrency exchange has, the more money you can make with cryptocurrency in Nigeria. Whilst players like Remitano, Paxful and NGexchanger offer some functionality how to make illegal money in nigeria by Coindirect, what differentiates Coindirect from its competitors is that all under one single website it features an end-to-end illegwl offering.
Create a free account with Coindirect. If makw are looking for other ways to make money onlinethen read our guide: How to Make Money Online. Bookmark and come back everyday for new tips on making money. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Twitter. I really like this concept of being able to generate revenue from peer to peer trading.
I did some research and found an alternative site, LocalCoinSwap offering peer-to-peer trading for over 15 coins and tokens:. What could be better than making millions from moneg home computer? A lot of people are into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in order to make a quick buck and we all know it is not that easy.
Good article. In the past, I already tried everything in crypto until I realized cryptocurrency was not for me. But I saw an ad and changed my mindset about crypto. Now I can say I am earning in crypto with the guide I really need and fits me. Make Money Online. Table of Contents. About The Author MakeMoney. Nnaemeka December 19, Reply. Coinist December 25, Reply. I very much think cryptocurrencies are the future, maek is revolutionary like the internet.
Naomi Campbell March 12, Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
Nigerians are hardworking people who also create time to unwind; this they do by hanging out with friends and families at joints after work, and family parties, popularly called Owambe every other weekend. They are always noticeable at gates of parties, and event centres, gaily dressed and most times with small black bags clutched against their waists, while trying to gain the attention of their potential hoow. These people are neither photographers nor party crashers. Currencies of countries across the globe are symbols of national unity and are, as such, treated with respect. Sadly, the Nigerian culture has over the years promoted the poor handling of our Naira notes. More worrisome is the fact that this act has now left the shores of the country with Nigerians in diaspora doing same with currencies of other countries. Meet Baba Kazeem, a tall, dark middle-aged man with three kids. He has been in this business for the past 20 years. He is also a popular face at an event centre visited by Nairametrics on a sunny Saturday afternoon in Ikeja. After posing as a customer, Baba Kazeem reluctantly shed some light on the lucrative weekend hustle. According to him, the spraying of money is as old as throwing parties and no government law or decree can stop it. Considering the amount of money spent weekly at parties, one would come to appreciate that these men and women hawking mint Naira notes form an integral part of making parties glamorous. Party-loving Nigerians patronise them gladly because they have filled the void caused by lack of access to mint Naira notes used for showing off at parties. No doubt, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to how these hawkers come across mint Naira notes despite their increasing scarcity. The situation is further worsened by these cartels of currency hawkers who sell new notes to willing buyers ready to buy them at varying rates based on denomination. According to Baba Kazeem, the demand for lower denominations like 50, and Naira notes is always very high, especially for Naira notes, considering its scarcity in the market. When asked to change N1, notes of N10, into N denomination, after some jake, he agreed to a cut of N for each one thousand Naira and later gave me pieces of freshly minted, serially numbered N notes. Altogether, he made a profit of 3, changing my N10, N1, notes to lower denomination of N, nake he agreed to charge less for other denominations. After striking a deal with him, he pleaded with me to pay him via his POS which he brought out njgeria his black sling bag. According to him, the use of POS was a new strategy which some of them had just adopted to ease the stress of carrying cash. The use of POS not only makes the transaction easy for us, it illegall shields us from incessant arrests by policemen.
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