Back to top. View in: Desktop. Home Forums Recruiting Pick’em LSU Football Schedule. Sign In Register. Money Talk. Page 1 2. Page 1 of 2. Member since Dec posts. Twice The Ice — any mke in these franchises? I looked at these pretty hard a while back when they first came on the scene.
But why should you start a vending machine business?
As with all business ventures, the key question is how much money will I make? Investing in an ice vending machine can be one of the more profitable ventures you could consider. Some of the key points to this business are as follows. Next the operating cost is low, except for a possible rent payment to a property owner this is zero if the owner also owns the property all the ongoing costs are related to storing and selling ice. With the larger units there can be significant storage costs to run the freezers that keep the ice cold. With a more streamlined unit such as sold by Bag of Ice, the storage bins are insulated and there are no storage costs so you only have utility costs if you are selling ice. So how much money can you make? It is easy to supplement this with water sales by adding a water dispenser to the unit. Of course no one can guarantee your profit but it is easy to see that there is a lot of money to be made by selling frozen water. Contact info bagofice.
Let’s Get Started!
They are freestanding and allow someone to drive up and fill up one or more 20 pound bags or even a cooler full of ice. This is a much easier and more affordable way to get lots of ice for a party, a trip to the lake, a hunting or fishing trip, or some other special occasion. Some of the machines also dispense water. For those not familiar with freestanding ice vending machines, here is one example and here is another. It does not cost very much to make a bag of ice. The fixed cost of the machine itself is another story. On top of that, there will be some site work in placing the machine on the parcel and having parking blocks or barriers installed around it. This works out to about 12 or 13 bags per day. Obviously you want to do more than break even, you would like to turn a nice profit. So finding a site where you can attract 30 customers a day or more is critical. If you are going to find a site that attracts 30 or more customers a day, it is likely going to cost some money to rent. Gas stations and convenience stores are completely reliant on the same type of customers, so that is probably the first place to look. A traffic count of 10, cars per day or more is probably a good starting point. Additionally, good ingress and egress, street level visibility and adequate parking and easy access to the ice machine are all factors to consider. Not bad if you could own and operate several ice vending machines. Skip to content.
Real Estate is Absolutely Critical
Vending machines have become commonplace in our lives, and where would we be without them? From candy vending machines to soda vending machines and everything in between we truly are spoiled for choice. Taking a trip around the world, maybe even your own country will reveal a wide variety of machines xo all shapes and colors.
Anyway, enough introduction let’s get stuck in shall we? The following are in no particular order and we apologize in advance for the apparent lunacy of some of. We did enclose the adjective interesting in speech marks so consider that a caveat of sorts. The first entry certainly is, as for the others we’ll leave that «in the eye of the beholder».
A lot is included for the unique contents they dispense, you’ll see what we mean. Probably a good place to start. According to historiansthe very first vending machine was produced in the 1st Century CE. Simply trading a golden coin machine some holy water for your very own personal use. This device has been attributed to Hero of Alexandria and worked by the coin hitting a metal level that releases a stop in a container.
The water pours until the coin fell off the lever. Simple yet effective and around years ahead of its time. That’s actually pretty incredible, to be honest. Well, a male underwear dispenser. Quite how you would find yourself in a situation where you would need one of these vending machines does defy logic somewhat.
But who are we vebding judge! When we first saw this vending machine we thought it might be some kind of Alien merchandise vending machine, but no we were wrong.
Yes, this machine dispenses crabs for your delectation. No, the crabs aren’t dead, they are kept alive at around 5 degrees Celcius. Yeah I know, I thought it was just a maxhines addition to Fallout 4.
No, they really exist. Pop over to France and find some for. They are made and distributed by Direct Lait or Lait Cru. Absolutely brilliant to be honest. For as little as Yen you can get your hands on your very own Rhino beetle.
Low maintenance pets or potential money making gladiator, the beetle’s future is in your hands. What the hell did I just say?
Three guesses where you’ll find these? Wow first time, yes the United Arab Emirates. If you fancy staying at the Abu Dubai Hotel and have some loose change why not treat yourself to some gold. The machine checks the value of gold every ten seconds and dispenses bars or coins of up to 10 grams. Called the Chef’s farm this vendor, developed by Dentsu, can grow 60 heads of lettuce each day. It’s aimed more towards restaurants rather than general consumers but it’s pretty cool nonetheless.
Hey, why not? Want a tie with those batteries, memory cards, and disposable cameras? Whatever, when in Japan. Back to Japan, these guys seem to love stuff on demand. You would be right in thinking that eggs are probably far too delicate to be dispensed in a vending machine. Traditional ones yes, but this one lets you pick them from compartments that you open to get your hands on your prize. Good effort. This one is a bit odd.
Aren’t hot dogs pretty quick anyway from a street vendor? This piece of kit delivers a hot dog and a bun under one minute. How could you resist? From worms to flies this vending machine is a fisherman’s best friend. Live bait is chilled and ready for sacrifice in the jaws of your intended prey. Well, the title pretty much sums this one up, to be honest. One college in PennsylvaniaUS installed one of these vending machines, because, you know, students. To be serious for a moment, it’s actually been proven to be a great success.
To be fair condoms have been in vending machines for many years, macines man can attest to this but this all-in-one stop is pretty useful for «family planning». Ok, what the hell?
Isn’t an unlimited supply a given in public toilets? Apparently not in Japan. Blimey, what have we here? As if ordering a pizza wasn’t easy enough why not try to burn some calories by collecting yours from a vending machine in Italy? Apparently made from fresh ingredients this machine dispenses your pizza in under three minutes. Yes, you’ve guessed it back to Japan. Fried food is pretty easy to get your hands on generally but apparently, there is a market in Japan. Horses for courses.
Tyson is a name synonymous with chicken products in the Uce. The amke progression is obviously to provide their product from a vending machine. Shut up and take my money! Off we pop to Canada, for a change. Apparently, the Canadians love their french fries. Probably great for late nights out and you only need to wait about 45 seconds. Alright, we aren’t trying to pick on Japan. Look let’s be clear the Japanese might just be the most prolific vending machine creators of all time.
Just check out this beauty. You have the choice between polished and unpolished rice. At a price. Look, mashed potato is not a hard thing to make. From dedicated products to street vendors you can make this pretty easily at home. We get it, you could be out of ingredients or not be bothered so there might be a market for this kind of thing.
Head over to Singapore and miney ways with your hard earned dosh for a cup of instant mash, Seriously why? Oh, thank goodness. Yes, please! Perhaps you have an addiction for mqke bars in hotels and find yourself stuck in your home city. Maybe the shops are all closed and you want to continue the party. Here is your answer. This is truly inspired. Dammit, just stock up beforehand, or control. Yes back to Japan, what? Apparently, canned bread is very popular in the land of the Samurai.
It has been a favored snack item for many years and now you can get some from a vending machine. They come in a variety of flavors, including chocolate and coffee. How now brown cow! Burgers from a vending machine did you say? The sheer brilliance of this idea cannot be understated. Finding a burger «joint», not that kind, late at night can be a real «first world problem».
Worry no more with these fantastic vending machines. Vendinh nom. Or just go home and contemplate what the hell you were thinking. Eo a suggestion. Yes, yes yes! These vending machines come stocked with everything you’ll need to clean up. We bet you didn’t expect that one! Yes, fine dining and convenience collide with the ultimate in niche vending machines.
Collecting Money From 6 Of Our Vending Machines
2. Calvin Klein underwear vendor
As with all business ventures, the key question is: How much money will I make? One of the more profitable businesses to consider owning is one or more ice vending machines. Two key elements to running any business are: employees and operating costs. First, an ice vending businesses can be run without employees as any maintenance required can be done by the owner. Collecting your profits cash and credit combos or credit alone acceptors can reduce or eliminate this needcleaning the machine, changing filters and keeping the location clean are fairly straight-forward requirements. If an owner does not want to perform these tasks or lives out of the area, they can hire a reliable firm to maintain the machine as needed. Second, operating costs are low. Rent is one potential operating cost that is flexible. There is no rent if the owner also owns the property where the machine is located. As an alternative to paying rent, rental space for a machine location can be negotiated with a property owner in exchange for a profit-sharing agreement. Utilities can be a major issue when choosing an ice vending machine. With machines that use freezers, there can be significant storage costs to run the freezers to keep the ice cold. With more streamlined units, such as the machines sold by Bag of Ice, the storage bins are insulated. Thus there are no storage costs which mean that any utility costs are limited to those needed for creating and selling ice. Thus each 20lb. If the customer chooses to put the ice directly in his ice chest an option that is available on all Bag do ice vending machines make money Ice modelsthe cost reduces to only a dime! Other costs are fairly basic and related to quarterly maintenance like filter replacement and should be a part of any business plan.
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